How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

The next chapter: 2015.

AV5A2019We, at Revealing the Story want to wish you a happy new year! Oh, the joy we’ve had of sharing life together the past few months!

Kallie, Laura, and I have been SO encouraged by how we’ve watched God orchestrate this “Revealing the Story” thing that turned into so much more than a blog project.

We have seen you respond courageously. We have been moved by the stories of God’s faithfulness in  our lives. We have been inspired by how you’ve encouraged each other along the way. We love how God has birthed new relationships, and passions and ministries because people have been willing to share pieces of their lives.

We are so grateful to each of you, to those who have faithfully read and been moved by these accounts, to our guest writers (and friends), and to the Author of them all- may yours be all the glory.


I’m reminded of how in scripture we see God multiply meager offerings into something amazing. The fishes and loaves, just a boy’s lunch…with Jesus it feeds 5,000. Or the drops of oil in the jar…with God it continued to flow and not run out. I feel like this project has been like that. We started with just 3 women wanting to obey, just a few stories of our own, and with God it has become something bigger than we could have foreseen. With God, it’s beyond us. It’s beautiful to see Him work. My faith has been so inspired by seeing His story unfold in the lives around me! In your stories that you all have shared, either in a guest post or with us personally, I see Him…and He amazes me all over again!


As I write posts, I’ve been surprised by the ease at which stories flow when I focus on God’s character as evidenced in the story and the roadblock from doubts that arise when I focus on ‘me’ in the story.

It has also been amazing to read some of your stories.

Each of us has stories to tell.  And it’s our heart to foster safe places for sharing these stories, through this blog and in our communities.

May you enter this new year with your head held high. You, dear one, have a story worth telling.




As we’ve interacted with you we’ve heard two common statements:

1. “I don’t have a story to tell ”

2. “What’s the value of me sharing my brokenness with others? How would that benefit anyone else?”

First of all YOU DO have a story….and it’s uniquely yours. And someone will be blessed by hearing it. Big or small, messy or sweet, it doesn’t matter, proclaim that! That’s your voice that needs to be heard. That’s your chapter to tell!

Secondly, in studying scripture we’ve realized that MANY people who were healed by Jesus were told to go back to their families and communities to share.   God uses “story” to bless others.  Just one example: the woman at the well….She thought her life was going one way and then she encounters JESUS and everything changes. She immediately returns to the community that had once shunned her and she shares her story. AND MANY, many in the village were saved because she had courage to share. This blog is a place for us to declare those “at the well” moments where we’ve encountered God.

We’ve seen it over and over again…especially this year with you.

He takes our pain, our darkest nights of the soul. He meets us there and heals our broken hearts, and turns this crazy thing into our MINISTRY to others.

“He comforts us so that we in turn may comfort others with the comfort we have received.” 2 Cor. 1:3

So…we don’t know what’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions. But maybe, just maybe you’re sensing a tap on the shoulder to reflect on God’s story in your life and record it in written word. Or maybe share it aloud with a friend. Maybe it’s time to pray about how God might want to birth a new passion or ministry to bless others who are suffering in a similar way that you have. Maybe it’s time to ask God to reveal HIMSELF to you as the author of your story and give up the editing rights.

What does the  next chapter: 2015 hold? Only the Author knows, and we are excited to watch it all unfold.

At Revealing the Story we have some amazing stories coming your way from courageous guest authors. You will be blessed.

Revealing the story. His story written on our lives. To HIM be all the glory, and honor and praise.

Happy New Year!

Kallie, Laura & Alyssa

1 Comment

  1. Mary Ann Blezien

    Thank you ladies – your faithfulness to this project has been a blessing to so many. Thank you for reminding us we each have a story to tell & that God rejoices when we trust him enough to do that. And what hope there is when we remember the story of the woman at the well -“she thought her life was going one way, then she encounters JESUS”….and everything changed for her!That’s an encouraging image I’ll cling to in 2015 – for myself & for whomever God brings across my path this year.

    “Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Rom. 5:5

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