Our friend, Kathi Frye exudes wisdom and grace. When you’re around her you find yourself craving more time and questions seem to just spring to mind, exploring the depths and intricacies of God, life, parenting… We hope you’ll enjoy this story she shared with us. You can find more at her blog: fryer12345.wordpress.com.
Over lunch one day a dear friend and I discussed what it looks like to be hands and feet of Jesus outside the walls of the church. We observed that Jesus didn’t spend most of His time leading and asking those who already follow Him, to follow Him again. Instead Jesus spent time traveling and sharing the love of His Father to those who did not know His Father’s love. At times, Jesus would solidify their growing faith in Him and His Father by action.
During lunch I made a bold statement regarding helping those outside the church walls.
That statement catapulted and hijacked my entire weekend.
At the moment those words came out of my mouth God decided to give me new eyes. I believe He decided those words coming out of my mouth were an invitation to wreck my weekend in an amazing way.
The next day I told my children about a local pastor who was temporarily living on the streets as a homeless man. How he was raising a certain amount of money to help a homeless shelter provide for people through the winter months. My youngest asked if we could make him a sack lunch and many more lunches to feed those he is with while on the streets.
Within an hour of that conversation I was headed to Home Depot.
While on the way I saw the sign “HUNGRY”. That sign could not have been any bigger even if it was sitting on my car blocking my front window.
After Home Depot I ran to In & Out and circled back to the “HUNGRY” sign….
There I met Bob. Since the moment I stopped to give him dinner, my heart, my family’s heart will never be the same.
We stood, listened, and learned from his heart beautiful lessons on life, living on the streets, and the love of Jesus for all mankind. I listened as Bob spoke to my kids about homelessness. He wasn’t harsh or angry, he was careful and honest. Bob even told them, there are 3 kinds of homeless people: safe, unsafe, and very dangerous. You always be careful when helping the homeless.
He said although some have stopped to help him, we were the only ones asking him what he needed. He needed a pillow and a blanket.
When we returned with the pillow and the blanket the next day, my youngest looked down at his shoes and asked if he needed new shoes. I may be able to tell my own children no to new things, but when my youngest is begging me to buy a homeless man new shoes, the answer could only be yes. We went and bought him shoes and new clean socks as my kids suggested. We took his new shoes back and watched as he slipped them on and amazement filled his face.
We watched as he walked over and threw the old shoes and socks in the dumpster and at that moment my youngest said,
“Bob doesn’t have a limp anymore, it was the old shoes that made him limp.”
Oh my aching heart…..
In a week filled with providing for our kids, homework, laundry and busyness, my week ended with God using a man who needed a pillow, blanket and new shoes to encourage my heart beyond anything else I have encountered this week.
As I thought we may be the blessing to Bob, God showed me, Bob will be the blessing to us…..
I am thankful God listened to the outspoken word of my mouth at lunch with my friend. The Lord took my words as an invitation to “show me” more of the Father’s heart.
May my prayers continue to be “show me” the Fathers heart.
Deuteronomy 15:11 For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘
You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
1 John 3:17-18 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him,
how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
Thank you for being a true follower of Jesus.