How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

choose REST


January is a peculiar month because it combines the fresh energy of new beginnings with a deep, underlying weariness from holiday busyness.  The fresh energy always tempts me to pick up twelve new projects or make multiple resolutions.

Can you relate?

Have you ever wondered why our New Year’s resolutions fizzle out so quickly?

I think there’s a direct connection to the fact that Western culture has forgotten how to – REST.


Tim Keller wrote an excellent article for Q titled: Wisdom and Sabbath Rest.  In it he discusses our innate need for soul-level (Sabbath) rest.  And that simply turning ‘off’ work or turning ‘on’ leisure will not quench it.

Practicing rest takes intentionality and discipline.  Keller outlines the following internal disciplines:

  • Rest is an act of liberation [I’m not defined by my work/ministry/commitments]
  • Rest is an act of trust [I’m not the one who keeps the world running]

And pairs them with external practices:

  • Build more Sabbath time into your schedule
  • Balance the ways in which you partake in Sabbath time, and make a point to include contemplation [the process of reminding yourself of the story of who you are]
  • Be accountable for Sabbath time

Friends, I’ve read this article and listened to the related podcast (Work and Rest) a dozen times.  Honestly, I’ll probably review it a dozen more. It’s taking that long for my project-driven mind to soak up the truth of what my soul really needs – REST.

I feel an urgency to saturate these concepts in January because, as I look forward to 2016, I want to engage with the year in a new way.

Too often my primary focus is goals and activities.  I think this is probably true for most of us.


This year I want to use the tools Keller outlined to anchor my heart with the story of who I am.

Will you join me?

It seems fitting to begin by reminding ourselves of the story of who we are. Here are a few of my favorite identity statements:

    • We are free. (Redeemed by Christ. No longer bound to the slavery of self-absorption.)
    • We are enough. (We don’t have to prove ourselves worthy – ever!)
    • We are royalty. (Sons and daughters of the Most High King. Sisters and brothers to one another.)
    • We are chosen. (He chose us before the dawn of time. Our lives have purpose and meaning.)
Please take a moment to comment with your own. Let’s hold each other accountable as we engage with 2016 in a new way.


  1. Kirsten Spall

    Love this blog post. It is so tempting to do more. Even when the “doing more” is for others or for our own health, it is important to remind ourselves to rest. Rest is what refuels our hearts and bodies and allows us to serve others.

  2. Jackie Adams

    Great post Laura! Pointing us to who we are in Christ and reminding us how important rest is to our faith journey! Love the acts of liberation and trust in rest.


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