How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

Category: Praise (Page 2 of 2)

Just a “normal” Wednesday -going to Africa….


As I look at my schedule this  week I have to laugh:

Tuesday- school pick ups and drop offs, play date, errands, take son to drum lessons,  do laundry, make dinner.

Wednesday- take the kids to school, drive to airport,  board my 1st  of 3 flights headed to Africa (24+ hours total travel time)

Thursday- …still flying….

**Friday- arrive in small village in Kenya, East Africa. Reunion with many old friends.

Friends who don’t know the Africa part of my story must think I’m crazy when I tell them I’m going to Kenya this week (especially in light of last week’s attack there). Nice timing!….

Truly, this will not be a “normal” week  for me, I promise. This is actually a very SIGNIFICANT week in my life and the lives of my family. We have prayed,  cried, dreamed,  dreaded, rejoiced and WAITED for this trip for approximately 13 years.

You see, it was the summer of 1999 when this story began. My husband and I took a  college short term missions trip to Kenya and our lives were never the same. Our eyes were opened to joy, to hospitality, to poverty, to simplicity, to faith, to pain, to God – and we fell in love with the people we met. Since that first year, Daniel has traveled back to that same village 10 times and I have spent the better part of three summers there.  Some of our best friends who were on our first college teams with us now live and serve full time there.

In 2002 Daniel and I traveled back to Kenya to consider a longer term commitment.  Somehow during that month I contracted a parasite and became very sick.  We were newlyweds and had planned to travel to Italy on our layover home from Africa, but our plans changed. Everything changed. We bought an emergency flight home (longest flight of my life) and upon arrival on U.S. soil, I was hospitalized. US doctors didn’t recognize my bug and couldn’t figure out why I was so sick. They prescribed antibiotic after antibiotic and my body began to waste away. I remember the day I weighed myself and saw the number: 95 lbs.  It was a very difficult year- one in which my husband and family cared for me in sacrificial, huge ways.  These were not the romantic “first years of marriage” you dream about.  They were test after test, doctor visit after doctor visit, hospital stays, having to take a leave of absence from my new teaching job for half of the school year, and many deeply depressing days. We weren’t sure if I was going to make it.

After almost a year of no answers,  a secondary infection was diagnosed (as a result of all the good bacteria in me being destroyed) and medicine began to treat that.  VERY SLOWLY, my body began to heal.  The miracle was that two years later becoming pregnant with our first child was actually the best thing for my body. It went in to full system restore, and for the first time I could eat normal foods again. I began to regain my strength.


God healed my physical body, slowly, but my emotional/spiritual sides took much longer to heal. I struggled with “WHYS”- “Why did God allow this? I had just been trying to follow Him? I was willing to go to AFRICA for goodness sake!”  I began to forget the beauty of the people and the place where God had revealed Himself so powerfully- it was lost in the shadow of a very painful and scary experience.  “Africa” became a bad word in my mind.  And yet, my husband still had a passion for this place – God continued to provide opportunities for him to go and serve and learn. And in my heart there was still a longing.

Years  passed and still those questions, the heartache, the memories. My journals are full of entries.  It was like God was knocking on the door of my heart over and over again.  “I have more for you. There is healing I want to offer you here”.  I wasn’t ready- I was stubborn and  angry and ruled by fear.

Finally in 2010 while pregnant with my third child I was finally ready to face this. I called a counselor and began the process of reopening this wound. I was tired of FEAR paralyzing me. And oh, the healing that came. It took time, years really, but it was like fresh water to my soul.

And then a year ago, I sensed a whisper that said, “Alyssa, come with me back to Africa.” And I nodded. ” Yes, Lord. I think I’m ready.”

And it was confirmed again and again and again. I could write a book.  I have prayed about the timing and doors have been closed until now.  An invitation, an opportunity to return to these deep waters. A precious friend who is willing to travel with me. To walk the red dirt roads my feet shuffled along years ago, to see the people who have grown since I was there last ( I am looking forward to reuniting with a baby I helped to deliver in the village. He is now 13 years old!), to drink chai in the homes of people whose stories have greatly impacted our lives, to sit with some of my best friends from college who are now married and mamas like me, to visit the sick in a home for the dying where my nurse- friends work.2015040895064835

And I’m praying that I’ll remember.  That I’ll see the beauty. That my “Africa story” will no longer be about me, but us.  About God, and his beautiful people, and redemption.

So…as you go through your week I’d love for you to  pray for me and Jenn.  Pray for our families as they await our return. Pray for peace and hope and open eyes. I wish I could say I’m confidently going, but honestly, this week I have battled significant fear and doubt again. I’m clinging to what I know God has done in the past and the truth that my friends and family are declaring over me when I want to unpack my bags.

And today – I’m boarding a plane and returning to Africa with my God ( and my precious friend, Jenn).

I’m pretty sure it will NOT be  just a normal Wednesday.

What fears is God asking you to face today?

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. “Joshua 1:9



Give Thanks and See

gratitude“For of all the things our minds can think about God, it is thinking upon his goodness that pleases him most and BRINGS THE MOST PROFIT to our souls.” One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp


Every December I pray about what “word” God wants me to focus on for the upcoming year. Oh my, the lessons that have come from that word.

2010 “simplicity,

2011 “intentionality”,

2012 “PAIN and JOY” (that was a ROUGH year).  And coming out of one of the hardest years of my life…”Gratitude”

At first I tried to argue with God about this word. It’s easy to be thankful when life is going great, but what about when you’re in the middle of tragedy?  At the time,  I was a wreck. I was still grieving the death of my precious grandmother. It was also post-house fire. Physically weak and emotionally exhausted , counseling sessions became the lifeline of my week.  We were living in a small rental house, with borrowed furniture and boxes full of smokey-water damaged possessions filling our garage. Nothing was familiar and GRIEF was thick. How could I show “GRATITUDE” when much of our life on earth had gone up in flames?

But slowly, God reframed my view. The circumstances were the same, but all around me the challenge was not to focus on what we LACKED, but what we HAD. This viewpoint changed my life.


I received many gifts after the fire, but ironically two books (from separate people) came in the mail a week apart. “Choosing Gratitude” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp.  Coincidence? I think not!

I sensed God challenging me to become disciplined about recording my gifts. To write down and speak out the GOOD that I was seeing around me even though there was plenty of bad. This was hard- and those who know me really well and remember walking that road with me know that it was not all roses (and neither was my attitude). But the faithful consistency of reflecting on what I was THANKFUL for turned a tumultuous year into a year of richness where we saw God’s presence in the little details. God gave us One thousand + gifts.


Funny side note:  2013- God also began opening doors for me to speak! WHAT?!?  At least 8 times that year I was asked to come and speak to various groups.  I was “THE FIRE SURVIVOR” and almost every speaking engagement  asked me to speak about  GRATITUDE.  I couldn’t get away from it even if I tried! I had to study it. I had to speak about it.  I was challenged to live it.

When I cried tears of loss over special items gone- I wrote down “Thankful our LIVES weren’t lost”

When I was mad at my husband (yes, that happens occasionally) I’d write down – “Thankful he’s still with me,” Writing down the good about him would change the negative mindset I had let set in. Gratitude is a marriage game-changer.

When I was exhausted and without energy I’d write- “Thankful for friends who carry me. Thankful for other mamas who can care for my kids when I can’t”

And friends, the year of Gratitude showed me that giving thanks in all circumstances really IS God’s will for us.

GRATITUDE: It breathes life and HOPE and joy into our weary bones.

We don’t have to thank God FOR yucky circumstances, but we can learn to thank God IN those circumstances.  He never changes. He is always with us. He goes before us and hems us in from behind. HE is the one we can be grateful for.  And gratitude changes our perspective!There is always something or someone(s) to be thankful for.  .

I wanna be a person of gratitude. Don’t you?

    It’s a choice, every day, every moment. To focus on what we have versus what we don’t 


Maybe our”Thanksgiving” holiday needs to last for a YEAR instead of just a day.

Join me in the mission of gratitude.


A woman of Gratitude: “It’s not that they have the fewest problems, or the cleanest histories, or the most obvious reasons for happiness. They’re simply the ones who are “loudest” about giving thanks, who are not always reciting a long list of problems, complaints, and criticisms, but who choose to be grateful.  They know they’ve already been given more than life could ever cost them. The Lord keeps them full despite the world’s best attempts at depleting them. And they don’t mind telling you about it.”  Choosing Gratitude, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Oh to be loved by Him!

Sometimes God surprises you and provides exactly what you need, just when you need it.  Sara Hamm is a gal who looks for those kind of opportunities.   Wife, mom, designer, amazing dinner party hostess, and daughter of Christ – Sara’s joy is refreshing. Read about the way God surprised her recently…..



I was driving home the other night from a fabulous coffee date with a friend.

Mind you…it was 10:30pm…on a school night, no less.

Driving home, with a heart so filled with the love only our King can give. Love, that comes in the perfect, most unexpected form. Love that was timed so perfectly that you couldn’t have seen it coming if you tried.

I went into this coffee date super excited to connect and get to know this new friend.

God honored my anticipated plan to “hang with a friend” and then…proceeded to love on me through hearing His word through my sister in Christ – meeting me exactly where I was at.

He allowed me to share what is normally “hidden” so that He could be glorified.

He took tears and revealed himself.

He took laughter and made it abundant.

He used his daughter to love on me through her supportive smile and her compassionate questions.

His ways are not our ways, and praise God for that!

His ways are perfectly placed and perfectly timed….like at a Starbucks at 10:30 at night…on a school night!




Provision in The Gap

I am clearly a worrier when it comes to finances.

I worry that there’s not enough in the bank.

I worry when there’s too much in the bank, that we won’t be wise with what we have been given.

Why do I worry?

Living in one of the wealthiest nations of the world, it’s RIDICULOUS that I worry about finances. I have seen poverty. I have shared a sack lunch with Miriam, a homeless woman on the streets of San Francisco, I have hugged kids who can’t afford shoes in Mexico, I have passed by children begging for food in Belize, I have sat in a mud hut in Kenya and  watched Mary, a young  mom, give birth to a son only to lose him a week later to starvation.

This is not our reality. In our family, back home,  we have always had enough. God has ALWAYS provided our daily bread. We have never a day gone hungry. We have never a day gone without a roof over our heads (even when our house burnt down- insurance provided a hotel for us to stay in). We have seen CRAZY, CRAZY provision time and time again. And STILL I doubt, thinking…” But what about THIS time?”

When this fall’s budget wasn’t looking good on paper- I worried. Yes, there were many unexpected expenses that came our way this summer emptying our savings accounts: termites, new water heater, car expenses to name a few. There were changes in my husband’s salary that made things tighter than before.

And of course, because God has a sense of humor, the kids’ memory verse this month was Matthew 6:31:

“Do not worry about what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or what you shall wear. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”

I wanted to believe that, but what did I do?  I WORRIED.

The last week of September we were waiting for the next paycheck to go grocery shopping.  We had run out of most everything including PEANUT BUTTER (a family staple!). We had run out of cash, so we got creative with what we had left in the pantry.  The kids were picking up on the fact that the belt was tightened.  We had tried hard to stay out of credit card debt, but having exhausted our savings, we reluctantly put my husbands’ fall doctorate tuition on the credit card. $1000.

My husband has incredible faith and reminds me often to trust in God – who is ALWAYS faithful, even when we are faithless.  He prayed for God to provide that money somehow. I remembered Kallie’s post “The Note” and inspired by her, we prayed specifically. But really, God did HUGE miracles for her, but I didn’t think He’d do that for us.


September 30. I was sitting around the homework table with our kids when we heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find BOXES and boxes full of groceries scattered on our front porch. I stood in shock. I was curious,” “who did this?” and humbled, “who did I tell?” and reminiscent, “us, again? We were just here.”  I was thankful for those who were obedient to so selflessly give. I was humbled, “so many others need this more than we do.” And yet the reminder, God heard our cry.


The kids opened the first bag of groceries and my four year old yelled, “PEANUT BUTTER!! HOW did God know?”

I cried happy tears and sad tears. On that day, AGAIN Jehovah Jireh, God showed Himself to be faithful through the obedience of anonymous friends.

FAITHFUL to me.  To our kids.  To my faith-filled husband.

As if that wasn’t enough, the NEXT day, my husband came home after work with a huge grin on his face. “Look what was in my mailbox?” he said,  and pulled out an envelope. INSIDE a small note.

Psalm 46:1- “God is my refuge and strength. An ever present help in times of trouble.” 

No name.  Just  cash. $1000 cash! That’s a LOT of money.  $1000. The exact amount we had just put on our credit card. The exact amount we had prayed for. We cried, we cheered, we had a little worship service right there Wow, God.

Thus, my facebook status update that night read:

There are those moments when God stops you in your tracks. He cares for your heart in small ways or He provides for your family in tangible big ways. Either way you know it’s Him. It’s just gotta be. The God who sees…The God who provides….The God who knows. That’s our story.





Life after Death.

 It is an honor to introduce you to today’s guest writer, Tiffana. Pretty certain you will be moved by her story.  Two years ago, this very month her life was on the line. Today she stands tall, beautiful, restored, redeemed and radiating. Her life has been transformed. Thank you Tiffana, for the courage you’ve shown in sharing your story with us.


I can remember it as if it was yesterday. I slowly woke up to the sound of footsteps pacing through the halls. I could barely make out the silhouettes of the shadows reflecting off the starch white wall. She tapped me on my foot with her blue pen and said, “Time for vitals.”  My head was pounding – throbbing – and my body aching. Vitals? I have vitals? This meant I was alive. Suddenly, the reality of my failure had hit me as the shame of my condition slowly settled in.

Vitals mean I am alive – I had not overcome the darkness.

Suicide. It is a tricky thing.  For once in my life I felt like I had ultimate control, that no more, not one instance longer, would I be at the mercy of another individual, or at the mercy of my agonizing depression. I could face my very own darkness head on and slip away into eternity forever. What relief that would be. I no longer had the courage to face the unbearable pain I had endured for so long. In this moment – in my most daring moment of vulnerability and honesty – I had lost the very thing I thought I was regaining – rights to my own body.

I felt like a criminal.

I wasn’t allowed to bathe alone, eat alone, or sleep alone. I had to be watched, because I was no longer safe to myself. I was humiliated amidst the greatest pain I had ever endured.

The reality settled in. Vitals? Vitals mean I am alive.

I lifted my head and the smell overtook me. The cold air whispered out of the eerily clean vent above my head, and the aroma of the sterile hospital forced its way through my nostrils. I dug my head back into the bare mattress, for I had even lost the dignity to have a pillow to lay my head on, or a set of sheets to crawl into for comfort. In defeat, I mumbled through the sounds of heart monitors:

“My vitals are fine, I am breathing – what more do you want?”

Shivers radiated through my spine as her cold bare hands landed on the arch of my back.  “You have to get up, it’s time for vitals.”   If you would have told me this hospital would be my cure for cancer, I would have gladly stayed – but since you told me this hospital was my cure for mental illness, I crawled into the misery of shame and guilt. What had I done?

I had spent a few days in the mental hospital before entering back into my community. A community I feared would reject me – a community that would tell me I was selfish for such an act. I expected to be surrounded by critics and onlookers who would tell me that my depression was a failure of faith.

But boy was I wrong.

I had experienced the Body of Christ in a way that I had only read in books, and heard in well-planned sermons. More than a dozen people, of all different ages and creeds, reached out their hands to me and invited me into their rest. They didn’t give me cliché, or a good book to read. They gave me themselves. They gave me Jesus. They intentionally and compassionately poured into me, day after day. It wasn’t a weeklong seminar or recovery facility. It was a group of people, in the middle of their busy, daily lives, reaching out to me. It took more than weeks, more than a month – it took nearly a year, yet they faithfully stood by be, and consistently poured into my life.

“I was hungry, and they gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and they gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and they invited me in; naked and they clothed me; I was sick and they visited me; I was in [the greatest] prison [ever], and they came to me.” – Matthew 25:35- 36

This wasn’t an organized rehabilitation community. It was the outrageous love of everyday individuals who daily chose to be present. They washed my wounds, and honored me as though I was royalty. They hid me in my shame and covered me with a cloak of honor.

Jesus didn’t come for those who were healthy, but He came for those who were sick. Mark 2:17

And He did just that – and they did just that. They showed up. Day after day, month after month, they showed up. They reached out their hands, gently opened their hearts and lives, and daily whispered; “I choose to love you today.”

It is a courageous story of a community that I truly believe, on that day, Christ will proudly utter, “Well done, good and faithful servants. Well done, my good and faithful friends.”


Author of our days


A new school year is upon us. Good….Lord….help me.  Three kids in school, soccer, ballet, music lessons, keeping up with the house, working part time, cheering on the husband who is deep in the woods of his dissertation, and trying  to catch my breath here and there.  I think I might as well paint our mini van yellow and place a taxi sign on top because that’s about all I’m good for right now. (“Can I get an AMEN?”) The bliss of summer days are long gone and  I have returned to my familiar frantic pace.

(Insert Sigh here) And then I came across this piece that I wrote last spring….and GOD reminded me (through my own story) of what HE did last year when I stepped back from my schedule and let Him pen the agenda. LOOK WHAT GOD DID!


A year ago, October I was at an event to listen to one of my favorite speakers. Dang.  You know those times where you feel like a pastor or teacher is talking directly TO YOU? Yep. Me too.  I won’t forget it. The topic was simplifying life…making room for “interruptions.” I was convicted from the start.

You see, once again, my pace was too frantic. I am a master of filling the hours of my day-aren’t you?

That night, God seemed to be asking me to STEP BACK.  Step back from various activities, leadership positions, and even my master’s degree pursuit and slow my pace. Instead of creating a to-do list and schedule for the day and hurriedly asking God to sign off on it each morning, the challenge was to start with a blank slate and engage in the adventure of letting God orchestrate my days.

Reluctantly, January 1st (yes it took months to obey),  I finally accepted the challenge. I said “no” and “sorry, I can’t” until I was blue in the face.  At first I was just plain sad to have to back out of many “good” things. What had I done?

Little did I know that I had just embarked on the most amazing chapter in all my years of following Jesus.

I learned from my dad to start the day praying: “What do you have for me today, Lord?” Sometimes the day’s agenda unfolded in the ordinary: play tea party with my daughter, do laundry, make dinner, kiss my husband, or help the older boys with homework. God’s challenge to me was to be fully present.

Other days, the author’s agenda surprised me. (BIG TIME!) During these few months TWO of my friends began to approach me with questions about God. Uh…it was messy and I certainly didn’t have all the answers, but it was God revealing Himself to them. These are folks I have prayed to know Jesus for a long time.    I was FLOORED! Let the record be straight: this doesn’t happen in my normal life. I wouldn’t have had the time for it!  Conversations could go long and I wouldn’t have to rush off to my next event. I was free to answer my phone when  a friend called and needed a safe place to explore spiritual issues. We tripped over ourselves searching for truth.  God began to transform the lives of my beloved friends and for some reason, He allowed me to be in the room and watch.  (#it.doesnot.get.any.better. )

This same semester a group of “moms who pray” began organically gathering at the public school where my kids attend. Women came together, prayed, and watched God work in our lives and among our kids. Community was formed. It was incredibly miraculous, and beautiful, and incredibly God. Had I not stepped back from other things, I would’ve missed out on being a part of what God did here.

The author also penned many opportunities to open the doors of our home. Having an open schedule allowed for spontaneous, “sure! Come on over”(s). Many precious ones filled the chairs around our family dinner table. We laughed, we cried, we learned. We broke bread together.

God ‘s agenda also included some really hard days. Sitting with friends in crises when deaths, illnesses, and broken marriages unexpectedly became part of their story. Heartache. God gave me the gift of being AVAILABLE.  Conversations went longer, playdates lingered,  naptimes sometimes got skipped, last minute dinners were thrown together, but it felt like the KINGDOM. My way=busy, God’s way=meaningful, purposeful, abundant LIFE.

My calendar was no longer filled with programs and routines that were beginning to suck the life out of me, and my perspective shifted to seeing what God authored for my days. And really, friends, it had nothing to do with me.  I just functioned at a slower pace to where I could SEE GOD at work around me.

I don’t know what your day planner looks like-what responsibilities plague you in the nights… As women there is always more to be done…ALWAYS.

But I’d love to challenge you, challenge ME, again… to take a deep breath.

Say “no” to what you sense you need to say no to.

Slow down.

Step back.

Invite God to be the author of your day…today. The greatest adventure may be just ahead.


A Wink


I love to wink at my kids. It’s such a fantastic way to tell them I love them, that they are special, and that I’m thinking about them at that very moment. It’s an intimate expression because, although we can be surrounded by people, the wink is silent. Secretive.

Meant for them alone.

I want to share a time when God winked at us. We had just closed escrow on our home. This gift of a home, this blessing had been long awaited. We have been through a long 2 and a half year journey of waiting on God’s promises. Waiting on His provisions. Just waiting. I’m guessing that some of you are familiar with this type of waiting. You know the long, dark nights. The empty wallets and the buckets of tears. You understand the questions of ‘why God’ that plague your mind and rob your resolve. You have been there, the waiting on a timeless God while stuck in our world of constant ticking clocks.

So as we walked across our new threshold, keys in hand…the enormity of how far God had brought us was fresh on my mind. There was no doubt that our God had provided THIS house for this season. This was all Him. And then the wink came.

The day had been rainy with springtime showers. We had to run from  the car to the doorway to escape the sudden drops, which is always fun with 2 little kids!  As we walked into the front room the sun came back out. And as I looked across the empty room and out through the windows into our new backyard I saw the most vivid full rainbow I’ve ever seen.

backyard rainbow

{This picture just doesn’t do it justice!}

As it hung perfectly arched over our property I knew instantly this was a holy moment. This was my loving God looking straight at me and ‘winking.’ Intimately and secretively letting me know He loves me, that He was watching and that this gift was from Him. And call me crazy, but I felt that although other people probably saw ‘our rainbow’…its importance and meaning was meant for us alone.

In my mind I saw our last couple of years, the journey of faith, come full circle. And I felt His sovereign promise. I understood His reminder that He has a covenant with me. An unshakable one. That although these last few years have felt like a ‘flood’ of need, discouragement, and desolation…He did not let the flood waters overtake us. He was and is faithful to remember His covenant.

In that moment with a beautiful rainbow over my head, I felt His love. His smile. His wink.

 …”Whenever I form clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, I will remember My covenant between Me and you…” Genesis 9:14-16



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