How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

Category: Faith (Page 4 of 4)

A Messy Stable of Heartache

This year hasn’t been a particularly wonderful one for me. In fact, to be totally transparent, I have been referring to it as the year of death for us. With the loss of three close and loved family members, all to cancer, death has been a close acquaintance in 2014. Sorrow has cloaked me, cloaked my husband, cloaked my kids as we waded through the waters of loss.

And major loss came in other forms as well. The death of a dream came in the blow of being asked to resign from our dearly loved church. The loss of stability, of hopes, of community has rocked my little family to its core.

This year has been rough. Full of heartache. Riddled with tears and grief. The year of death.

So when the advent season came upon us,  feelings of Christmas cheer were not naturally present. In fact, I found myself wishing we could just skip this one.


I did my best to dig deep and muster the feelings of good will. I tried to create Christmas atmosphere in my home. In fact, I broke that ‘sacred-to-some’ rule about no Christmas before Thanksgiving, and fully decorated my house early! The tree was up, the halls were decked, and the nativity on display. All in hope that we could generate some joy…some relief…some Christmas peace.


I told myself that I was trying for my kids sake. They were hurting, and needed the hope and joy that Christmas brings.


But Christmas doesn’t bring those things.

I can’t create an atmosphere that brings those things.

Even the nativity scene doesn’t bring those things.IMG_1421


There is only ONE who brings those.


Christ WITH us.


Not only the first Christmas story, but the  everlasting Christmas reality.

Christ is WITH us.

No amount of Christmas traditions, trimmed trees, treats, or carols can sweep out the loss and pain from my house. No amount of wrapped presents under our tree can replace what is missing. No amount of Christmas fun can heal our broken hearts or stifle the fear of our unknown future.

But ONE can. Christ. Not Christ seated in Heaven, although He is. Not Christ in our bible stories, although He was. But Christ WITH us. In our midst. In our loss, in our hurts, in our ‘messy stables’.

That’s when I realized, I was trying to take care of my loss on my own. In my own power. And I was failing. I was trying to usher in the Christmas spirit when I really needed to usher in the ONE who can heal our spirits.

So instead, I bow my heart just like those shepherds so long ago, and ask Him to come. To come again for me. I need this Christmas to not just be a remembrance of Him coming to a stable so long ago, which He did. This Christmas I need Him to come to me. Right now in my own messy heart. My messy life.  I need Him to come gently and lovingly, as in that first holy night, and fill my life with Hope.

With Peace.

With Joy.



I need Christmas more than ever this year. Not the red and green one with mistletoe and holly, but the one in which He comes to my messy stable and saves me all over again.

And once I realize that and ask, sorrow and loss have no place here. I look at my decorated tree and ask Him to come. I wrap up presents and ask Him to come.



As my kids count down the days filled with great anticipation, I daily count on Him to fill me with a holy saturation.  And He does. He has invaded our home and filled us with hope.

Friends love us well and we see Him.  Anonymous envelopes of money mysteriously show up to help us, and we see Him.  Happy memories are remembered and we see Him. He has COME!!

Joy settles on all of us. I’m beside myself with peace, Christmas really is here! For us and for you…Our Messiah has come, Christ is here!



Why God? Why now?

There are moments in each of our lives when we make a significant decision of faith.  Beth is an accomplished business woman, active community member, surrogate mom to many and fun loving friend. Read her account of a new journey pursuing God. 



Why God?

Why Now?


I realize that most people ask these questions before they turn 42 but I may not be the “norm”. The past 12 months have been a series of events that have led me straight to God regardless of whether I knew I was heading there or not. Whether I wanted to go or not.


In retrospect, there are things throughout my entire life that I have dismissed simply as “the way things were supposed to be” or “everything happens for a reason” which are all great ways to keep God at arm’s length.


But let’s get real (as I’ve been forced to do recently). I think, in all reality, everything started to become clear when my two smart, beautiful 13 year old daughters were telling us they were very unhappy at the new school they were attending.  While, I chalked this up to them being in a new city, meeting new friends, etc. it kept eating at me.  Finally, we realized there was an unusual amount of violence and lack of adult supervision at their school which ultimately resulted in their feelings of insecurity and vulnerability.  My Momma Bear instincts kicked in and I started reaching out to my local contacts for alternatives.  Please keep in mind that we recently relocated here to support my significant other in his job promotion…none of us chose this city (but in hindsight, we now realize God did).


So, within less than 48 hours I had multiple trusted resources tell me about this amazing Christian school right around the corner. Whoa, wait a minute…Christian school?  Um, we believed in a higher power but let’s not get crazy.  This school had chapel, recitation of bible verses and a dress code…and our girls had never even been to church.  Furthermore, how could we possibly support our girls when we didn’t regularly attend church or even own bibles…there must be another alternative.


It was clearly family meeting time and based on everything they had experienced at public school, our girls were excited and relieved to attend the “Christian” school. So, we went out and got their uniforms, contacted our previous neighbor, the person we knew had a ‘direct phone’ to God for some advice.   She assured us and affirmed our decision, promising to pray and walk alongside us in this new season.


So, they did great and excelled in every area…which we expected as these girls are super stars.

What we didn’t expect was that the school was adjacent to a church and this church, its pastors and all of the “family” welcomed us.

My fiancé and I looked at each other and although we hadn’t talked much about religion, we thought this was an amazing opportunity.AV5A3984


Over the next few months, we attended service after service, bought our own personal bibles and really embraced everything the church and God had to offer. Our girls excelled at school and we are able to see that God’s fingerprints have been all over our relationship and adult lives.


All of this only begs to ask the question…


Why Not God?

Why Not Now?


My home in Colorado was, quite literally, on the side of a mountain. Surrounded by a national forest, the Christian camp we ministered at was a retreat from the world. Aside from the 8 months of snow, {which I still have nightmares about!} it was a truly beautiful, wild place to live.



We were situated in a canyon and so I looked out my living room windows at the enormous mountain across the way. When we first moved there, I remember thinking it was the most gorgeous view and that I would never tire of looking at it.


The thing about living in a canyon is that the sun ‘sets’ really early. In the winter, we would lose the sun at about 3 pm and already freezing temperatures would plummet into the negative range. Our days felt very short and after several years of living there, the mountains around me began to change in my eyes.


I began to dislike that large beautiful mountain that blocked my sunshine,

blocked my sunset,

blocked my horizon.



It was not until living like that for a while that I realized how much I craved a horizon. Whenever I would drive down out of the mountains into the valley that the nearest town was in, something in my spirit would feel like it could breathe again. I could see off in the distance. I could see where I was going.


I have realized that I feel the same way spiritually. I like to see where I’m going. I like to see what’s on the horizon of my walk with the Lord.

But the truth is, often times we don’t get to see our horizon. Often times we are stuck in a canyon, surrounded by mountains that we can’t see over. The sun sets early and we feel alone and discouraged in our ‘canyons’. We crave a horizon, a chance to look out and see where we are headed. We crave vision to see why this is happening and when it will be over.

It took a while for me to recognize that God was using that canyon to refine me. To build a stronger faith inside me. He blocks our horizon with ‘mountains’ not because He’s uncaring, but because we must learn that

Christ is our horizon.

His face is our sunshine.

Christ is with us in the canyons. If we can see our horizon on our own, we never fully surrender to Jesus. If I can see where I’m going, I rely on my own strength to get me there. It’s when I cannot see over the mountain that I finally acknowledge that I need Him. He becomes my horizon. My goal, my direction…my everything. And in Him my soul breathes again.


It is not a coincidence that during the season of my life while living in the wilderness, I also spent that season battling deep depression and wrestling with my faith in God’s goodness. The ‘mountains’ in my view were both physical and spiritual. But that canyon of difficulty did not last forever. God was so faithful! He was there, loving me and walking me through it. And it was in that process that my spirit learned the meaning of I lift my eyes up, up to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2. My help does not come from my own strength, or in my trials being relieved…it comes from Him alone.


So find hope friends, if you are stuck in a canyon. Look up at His face. Focus on Him and not the mountains in your life. He knows where you are heading and He will guide you, because He loves you.


The Lord’s face, His presence, His faithfulness…come what may, that is our horizon.




Provision in The Gap

I am clearly a worrier when it comes to finances.

I worry that there’s not enough in the bank.

I worry when there’s too much in the bank, that we won’t be wise with what we have been given.

Why do I worry?

Living in one of the wealthiest nations of the world, it’s RIDICULOUS that I worry about finances. I have seen poverty. I have shared a sack lunch with Miriam, a homeless woman on the streets of San Francisco, I have hugged kids who can’t afford shoes in Mexico, I have passed by children begging for food in Belize, I have sat in a mud hut in Kenya and  watched Mary, a young  mom, give birth to a son only to lose him a week later to starvation.

This is not our reality. In our family, back home,  we have always had enough. God has ALWAYS provided our daily bread. We have never a day gone hungry. We have never a day gone without a roof over our heads (even when our house burnt down- insurance provided a hotel for us to stay in). We have seen CRAZY, CRAZY provision time and time again. And STILL I doubt, thinking…” But what about THIS time?”

When this fall’s budget wasn’t looking good on paper- I worried. Yes, there were many unexpected expenses that came our way this summer emptying our savings accounts: termites, new water heater, car expenses to name a few. There were changes in my husband’s salary that made things tighter than before.

And of course, because God has a sense of humor, the kids’ memory verse this month was Matthew 6:31:

“Do not worry about what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or what you shall wear. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”

I wanted to believe that, but what did I do?  I WORRIED.

The last week of September we were waiting for the next paycheck to go grocery shopping.  We had run out of most everything including PEANUT BUTTER (a family staple!). We had run out of cash, so we got creative with what we had left in the pantry.  The kids were picking up on the fact that the belt was tightened.  We had tried hard to stay out of credit card debt, but having exhausted our savings, we reluctantly put my husbands’ fall doctorate tuition on the credit card. $1000.

My husband has incredible faith and reminds me often to trust in God – who is ALWAYS faithful, even when we are faithless.  He prayed for God to provide that money somehow. I remembered Kallie’s post “The Note” and inspired by her, we prayed specifically. But really, God did HUGE miracles for her, but I didn’t think He’d do that for us.


September 30. I was sitting around the homework table with our kids when we heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find BOXES and boxes full of groceries scattered on our front porch. I stood in shock. I was curious,” “who did this?” and humbled, “who did I tell?” and reminiscent, “us, again? We were just here.”  I was thankful for those who were obedient to so selflessly give. I was humbled, “so many others need this more than we do.” And yet the reminder, God heard our cry.


The kids opened the first bag of groceries and my four year old yelled, “PEANUT BUTTER!! HOW did God know?”

I cried happy tears and sad tears. On that day, AGAIN Jehovah Jireh, God showed Himself to be faithful through the obedience of anonymous friends.

FAITHFUL to me.  To our kids.  To my faith-filled husband.

As if that wasn’t enough, the NEXT day, my husband came home after work with a huge grin on his face. “Look what was in my mailbox?” he said,  and pulled out an envelope. INSIDE a small note.

Psalm 46:1- “God is my refuge and strength. An ever present help in times of trouble.” 

No name.  Just  cash. $1000 cash! That’s a LOT of money.  $1000. The exact amount we had just put on our credit card. The exact amount we had prayed for. We cried, we cheered, we had a little worship service right there Wow, God.

Thus, my facebook status update that night read:

There are those moments when God stops you in your tracks. He cares for your heart in small ways or He provides for your family in tangible big ways. Either way you know it’s Him. It’s just gotta be. The God who sees…The God who provides….The God who knows. That’s our story.





Stand In The Gap

I was on a site visit in the Sierras during the first rain after the King fire. The site director mentioned that the local schools had been closed for several days due to the poor air quality. She was excited that the rain had come and the air would be made fresh again.

In my life, especially when I was practicing therapy, I’ve had an opportunity to witness a similar process in people. I’d meet someone whose life had become so filled with smoke that they could barely function. And then something would happen to make their life fresh again. Tiffana shared such a story in Life After Death.

When it comes to people, and their ability to change, I remain hopeful. I guess that’s because I’ve seen it often enough to believe it’s possible.

Like my dad. For years he was so depressed and angry that when he wasn’t working he was holed up in a self-made cave. Now he’s the biggest cheerleader at his grandkids activities and one of the most outgoing people you’ll ever meet.

Or my husband. He hurt, lied, and manipulated until no one trusted him. Now he’s known for his integrity and caring nature.

I saw it countless times with clients who would enter the office so defeated you could hardly scrape them up off the ground. And then, one day, they were walking with their head held high – a new creation.

The changing process is rarely fast and never easy. In each scenario it took someone (and usually several someones) who was willing to stand in the gap of hope and breathe grace and truth over the crumpled person. Not self-righteous truth but the kind of truth that comes when you have the courage to face gigantic lies and call them the monsters that they are. When you become like the Biblical account of little David facing the giant Goliath and shouting – you no longer have the power to intimidate my friends!

This recently happened with a man that Jason has stood in the gap for for seven years. This man, and many around him, thought he had reached the end of his story and was destined to remain in a shattered place. Jason had the courage to believe full restoration was possible. Recently on an early morning run Jason heard God whisper ‘breakthrough.’ Jason had no idea what it meant.

Several hours later Jason ran into this friend and heard the next installment of his story. And, guess what?! The friend had finally moved into a place of restoration! In that moment Jason understood what the word breakthrough was in reference to. It was a holy moment.

For seven long years I had watched Jason stretch out over that gap until his limbs were blue and I wondered if he’d ever experience relief. Remaining in that stretched position was exhausting and discouraging. But, now that we have the honor to see the flower coming into bloom I am so glad I didn’t pry him from that gap.


As I prepped for a final edit I thought this was simply a story of encouragement from the other side of the ‘gap’. Then, my world was rocked by two more friends who hit the mat.

Jason and I were relishing in the relief that comes at the end of a gap period. When suddenly I was faced with a choice. Do I enjoy the relief and ignore the new needs? Or do I stretch back out over the gap to cover my sisters who had hit the mat? Which would you choose?

Well, as I leaned out, ready to stretch beyond my limits, to extend out over that gap, I recognized my weariness and called upon the One who could sustain me:

Sweet Jesus, my friends are in a desperate place! In Genesis 1:7-8, you met Hagar, a hopeless Egyptian slave that no one cared about. No one except you. You met her and called her by name.

You know what it’s like to be cast out. Isaiah 53:3 says you were despised and rejected, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. You allowed yourself to be crushed for us. Because you love us. You love my friends and you know their pain.

I’m tired but they (my dear friends) are utterly exhausted. I know they trust you as their El Roi – the God who sees them – but their arms are weary and they lack the strength to cling tight. So instead they fall to the mat.

Then, as He gave me the strength to stretch back across the gap I glanced to my right and to my left. There I saw brothers and sisters who had come to stand on either side. Together we stretched and lifted. And just like the Psalms of Ascent we sang songs of hope.


Who do you need to stand in the gap for today? Who do you need to sing songs of hope for?




Peak Ascent

While my husband and I were in the midst of our long wait for God to provide a permanent job, waiting for Him to justify the dramatic step of faith that He had asked of us, discouragement and despair were constantly knocking at the door of my heart.
It became a daily battle.
When I cried out to God for help He responded, “Be Faithful“.
And I would think…ummm, God, You got anything else?
Just “Be Faithful.”
Being faithful while my flesh screams at me to give up has been one of the toughest lessons I’ve had to learn along my journey.


A few years ago while we lived in the back-country of the Colorado Rockies Mike made encouraged me to climb a “14er”, a 14,000 ft mountain.  And, no, I’m not really the mountain climbing type. 🙂
When you climb a mountain, you typically hike on a trail for most of it. But at the top you have to climb the boulder fields. They are exactly that; fields of giant unstable boulders. After all that you have the peak ascent. The last 1000 feet.
The whole mountain climbing experience was challenging for me…but the peak ascent was torturous. I knew the peak was there, I knew that there would be intense relief for my exhausted muscles, but I couldn’t really gauge how far I was from it. From my perspective I would think I was steps away, and yet half an hour later I was still climbing thinking, ‘Why am I not there yet?!?!’  For me, it was incredibly discouraging.
It was there, in the final ascent that I came the closest to giving up.
And so, in the same way, in my life at the times of trial and waiting,  I feel discouraged and incredibly weary. Bone-weary.
But I know because of that day on the mountain that the peak is just beyond my view. And I have to be faithful by pressing on in faith.
Anybody else feeling like that? Are you facing a mountain that you never wanted to climb? Situations in your life  that seem impossible to get past, impossible to conquer?  Are you wondering if you even have what it takes?
You’ve been climbing this enormous ‘mountain’ so long, and the boulder fields are way more than you expected. You looked up and thought the peak was going to be yours hours ago…
months ago…
years ago.
And yet here you are, still stuck on the side of a mountain. You feel like you don’t have anymore strength to do this, {and you’re secretly wondering if you can call in some sort of ‘rescue helicopter’ to get you off this horrible mountain…} But you do have the strength to conquer this. That strength is Christ IN you!
Hang in there friend! His strength is made perfect in our weakness. He will get you there. He has not left you in your ‘boulder fields.’ And oh the miraculous joy of reaching the top and seeing in one swooping motion the whole world open up! Are you ready for it? It’s going to be breathtaking! Push through, asking our mountain guide, our Beloved Savior to fill you up with His strength as you climb on to what is sure to be a life-changing mountain top experience!


Be faithful by putting one step in front of the other. Sometimes that’s all that we can do; one step.
One step at a time until we make it to the peak.
.in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.     Romans 8:37

The Note

noteRecently I discovered this note.  A remnant from my husband’s and my journey through the dark valley of unemployment. As I pulled it out of the drawer that it had hastily been stuffed into, memories washed over me. I’m glad that it got stuffed into that drawer, because I might have thrown it away back then. I probably wouldn’t have realized the significance of that simple piece of paper. But now, in hindsight, I know. I recognize this as a stone of remembrance. A way to look back and remember the tears I cried, the pain I felt and match it to the joy that Christ has restored in my life. This little scrap of paper is a way for me to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

It was written with tears streaming down my face. With utter despair filling my soul. My husband and I had taken a step of faith, following a very clear direction from God a year and a half earlier. And when I say step…I really mean enormous-leap-leave-your-paying-job-to-move-to-another-state-scared-outta-your-mind kinda thing!  We had trusted Him to provide, leaning on His name Jehovah Jireh {The Lord Provides}. And then, when no job was provided, despite our efforts, we watched our savings dwindle to nothing and fought the fear that rose up and threatened to swallow us.

Battling daily to trust.

Battling to not look at our circumstances and only look up at our Savior’s face.

The note was written when eviction from our home was imminent. When all hope seemed lost. I had nothing left.

And yet I had everything left. I just couldn’t see it.

My faith, beaten down and bloodied, rose up with a gasping breath and I picked myself up off the kitchen floor.  And I picked up a pen and wrote the note. It was a physical act of forcing my faith to not give up. 

Sometimes I need to force my flesh into action in order to remind my spirit of what is true. I raise my arms up when I worship to remind my spirit of the magnitude and majesty of who I sing too. I find I am the most surrendered in prayer when I literally get down on my knees and feel the ground beneath me. And in that desperate moment, I physically wrote out my plea to my God on a paper…to remind my faith that He is my provider. No one else. Only Him.

I put that note up on my refrigerator and every time I looked at it I felt my faith rise a little. And here’s the most amazing part.

He did prove Himself faithful.

He did prove to me that His name is Jehovah Jireh. It was a month of unexpected, miraculous blessings. Groceries showed up on our doorstep, cash showed up taped to our door, and every cent that we needed came through. Every cent. No more, no less. It was shocking and beautiful to watch Him work. Without anything else to crowd Him out, He orchestrated our provision in ways that only He could. All of it enabled my faith not only to rise up, but to also put down deep roots.

We lived that way for 4 months, writing out the exact financial need on a note and putting it on our refrigerator.  No job. No human way to make up that money. Nothing but faith. And each month He provided. Each month He proved His name to be true. And I will stand on that name until He takes me home.

Jehovah Jireh…My Lord Provides.



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