Revealing The Story

How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

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400 sleepless nights

 Allison Schrader is a truth telling, boo-boo kissing, coffee drinking, lover of Jesus.   A gifted teacher and aspiring author, Allison spends most days with her three littles. In the messes, the mayhem and even the mundane, she searches for the Holy and the Miraculous.  And, in the thick of it all she throws her hands in the air offering her Hallelujahs for this life she has been given.


I’m calling on the worn-out, tired, hurried souls.  I have a story for you.  In between laundry and dishes, ABC’s and 123’s, it was carefully crafted in the deep places of my heart.

On a search for worth and meaning a young woman, wife, mama, daughter, friend, found herself one dark night in a puddle of quiet sobs. Huddled over a sleepless baby in a big blue chair, face and eyes ruddy from the flow of feelings, she found herself at the glorious feet of Jesus.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let’s start at the very beginning, since after all, it is a very good place to start.

There once was a woman, young and full of promise.  Newly married and ready to live her happily ever after, she jumped right into this grown-up life with all the right intentions and a smile on her face.  Everyday she headed up a great big hill and when she got to the top she did her job for the day.  Day after day and hour after hour she toiled away giving her all and giving her best, proving to others, but mostly to herself, that she was needed.  Proving she was valued; she was an integral part of a great big plan.

Well-liked and well-received, this young woman believed this was her best version of herself and her life.  Her hard work paid off.  She was paid the praise for which she longed, her craving for worth and significance, satisfied.  But in the quiet moments, when she let her soul slow itself just a bit, the word, “impostor,” flashed across the screen of her mind. Words like “fake,” “unworthy,” “not-good-enough,” haunted her. They drove her to try even harder to prove them wrong.  What had started a very long time ago in a garden with a snake and some sin was propelling her, pushing her.  This curse of striving became the driving force of all that she did.

Striving has a sneaky way of looking good.  Just like a bright and shiny piece of fruit, it can tempt us to think it’s the best way to go.  Everyone praises a hard worker.  Everyone loves the self-made man or woman.  ‘No rest for the weary’ is an admirable adage.

As she worked out her worth receiving the accolades of men and women, a thick cloud seemed to form over her head.  Chronic feelings of over-tired shadowed her days and as she began to stagger in the fog of it all she stumbled upon a fork in the road.

Five years into this grown-up life, she and her husband had grown into a family of three.  A sweet little toddler demanded more than this new mama could give after all the hours and all the days filled with all the trying.  Scared and uncertain, this young woman found the courage to raise her white flag and surrender.  With a  belly beginning to swell again full of new life and new promise, she started down a new path.

She headed home to stay.

He came two weeks early and they named him Noah.  In Hebrew it means ‘rest’ or ‘comforter.’ With hearts bursting they brought him home breathing in all the goodness of a newborn.  The first 8 weeks of his life were like any other tiny human’s: growth spurts, feedings, diaper changes— all the glamour.


It came so unexpectedly.  When things were supposed to be falling into a new rhythm, a chord of dissonance struck.  In the 9th week of Noah’s life something changed.  Instead of sleeping he was screaming almost every hour of every night.  Talks with the doctor, books about sleep, food restrictions, advice from many, were all tried and applied.  Yet nothing could bring rest to the one named, “Rest.”  All she could do was try to survive.

It’s true what they say about motherhood.  It can be beautiful and wonderful and all kinds of magical in so many ways.  But the truest things are often left quiet.  In the truest moments motherhood can leave a woman exhausted, anxious, bitter, isolated and feeling like she is the only one going through what she is going through.


In the midst of wrestling an infant to rest, this young woman’s heart began to wrestle as well.

One long night as she melted into the well-formed contours of the cushions in her big blue rocking chair, the floodgates opened.

This soul all broken and worn down had two choices: Keep on striving and trying or simply surrender.

Her war-torn spirit knew that anymore trying would just lead to more dying inside. With a small faith and big breath she said,“If I’m going to be awake all night, I might as well do something useful. I will pray.”

Her words marked a moment that would define her lifetime.  Surrender is simple, but it is the struggle to let go that often holds us back.  In her very human words she invited a very divine encounter: one that would change her forever.  No longer would she seek sleep as the answer.  Rest wasn’t what she really needed after all.  She needed to be ‘rest’-ored.

What began as desperate cries for a baby to sleep turned desperate cries for others and for herself.

She cried out from the deep places, the ugly places, the hurt places and every place in-between.  Night after night the prayers wafted up like incense, drenched heart-cries of a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, a woman who needed her Savior.

The days were still busy and her hands were always full with a baby and a toddler and a house and a husband and all the fixings that go right along with it all.  Yet, in the midst of unchanging circumstances her heart was changing day by day.

It would take some time to put words to the miraculous that had unfolded.  In fact, it would be many miracles down the line: a promise, a race, another baby, and many more surrenders, but one day she would stumble upon these words:

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

This fancy word, “abide,” was a picture of surrender and trust: letting go of the trying, the control, the striving and instead, resting in the power of the Holy Spirit.  In between laundry and dishes, ABC’s and 123’s she saw His miraculous meet her mundane and she began to thrive.



To read more stories of how “abiding” has changed one woman’s life visit Allison Schrader and The Abiding Place at






Purposeful Anger

I’ve always been intense. People tend to assume that my son Kaden is a mini Jason, but the truth of the matter is that my act first/think later, wear his emotions on his sleeve son is really a mini-me.

When I was a kid I neither understood the intensity nor recognized that I often absorbed the emotions of people around me. Without the outlet of recognition or expression I was often left with a stomach ache.

Is a child in your life exhibiting the symptoms of anxiety? Have you ever considered that the anxiety might actually be high intuition and empathy?

During high school and college my intense nature was most often expressed in anger, which was actually acceptable – especially in sports. The intensity fueled a drive to achieve. Life was something to conquer.

Do you cheer for high-achievers? We’re all impressed that they’re able to accomplish so much. But have you ever wondered what drives them?

At age twenty-one —      Life.    Slowed.    Down.

I graduated from college, got married, took an office job, joined a women’s ministry leadership team, and essentially stepped into a quiet, suburban life.

Have you squelched an aspect of your personality because you think it doesn’t fit your current role or season of life?

Oh, I tried to force my intense nature to disappear. I focused on productivity, practiced spiritual meditation, and sought satisfaction in my good(albeit routine), suburban life.

Here’s what I learned — when a strong emotion such as intensity/anger lacks an outlet it WILL release itself either by making you physically ill or finding some unhealthy expression.

This created three major problems:

1) Frequent headaches.

2) Consequences that required clean-up.

3) Space for lies to enter my heart. (The biggest lie… one that I still battle from time to time… is that I am “too much” for people.)

Have you ever noticed how lies have a way of weaving themselves deep into our core?  One of the best things we can do in terms of ‘self-care’ is to ask God to show us the truth about our identity and allow that truth to work like a salve pushing the deep slivers of lies from our core.

What lie haunts you? Don’t assume it will disappear if you just ignore it.

Lies must be combatted with truth.


When I reflect upon that season of suppression and lies, the ironic thing is that simultaneously, through speaking, writing, leading, and counseling I was modeling authenticity – creating safe environments for people to take off their masks and practice being real with God and friends.  I was practicing (and teaching) authenticity while all the while suppressing an important part of my God-given personality.


God knew what I was doing.

Ephesians 2:10 says we are his masterpiece.  The word for masterpiece is a priceless work of art.  By suppressing part of my personality I was essentially dimming his work of art.


One day I ‘stumbled’ upon an amazing little book – Yes by Ann Kiemel, a dynamic evangelist and activist, a strong leader during the ‘Jesus Movement’ of the 1970s.  Ann’s words prompted a domino effect, unlocking my intensity by attuning it to a new drum beat – my Good Dad’s heartbeat for humanity.  The drumbeat has led me to a deeper, richer life.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. urged us to use our anger as a transforming force towards change.  I believe Jesus modeled this type of passion (dare I say, intensity).




Today when my insides churn I try to put that anger to good use.  This is by no means a perfected practice.  I still have to build time in my schedule to run some of the energy out.  And I will forever appreciate my husband who sees value in the intensity and my friends who understand it and can handle an occasional vent session.

Overall, I’d say that I am finally living life the way my Good Dad designed me to live it:

Observe.  Absorb.  Take courage.  Move forward.  Be a change agent.


How can you live differently? Are you allowing him to use all of you?

Is it time to be made whole?



When life becomes something you never imagined

We are honored to welcome today’s guest author – Kim Fredrickson. We quoted Kim’s book in last week’s “Mommy Guilt” story and were thrilled when she agreed to follow up with a story of her own.  Kim developed a strong reputation for encouraging people through her lifelong work with counseling, teaching, speaking, and writing.  Then, in 2013, word spread of Kim’s cancer diagnosis and people couldn’t help but wonder how she would respond. You see, while Kim was always known for her gentleness and compassion, she was also known for an unfailing trust in God. Would that trust be altered when her life story hit rock bottom? Here’s her story…

In July of 2013 I received some shocking news…”

I’m so sorry to tell you that you have breast cancer. You have an appointment with a surgeon in two days, and the following week you will have surgery.” What a shock to receive that call! I found the lump myself, after having a clean mammogram 9 months before.

Thus began a life changing journey…and believe it or not, this turned out to be the easy part.

After successfully completing treatment for breast cancer at the beginning of March 2014, I was so relieved and looking forward to getting back into my life of counseling, writing and speaking. About 4 days later I noticed I couldn’t take a deep breath. After lots of tests, biopsy, and doctor visits I was diagnosed with a serious and rare side effect from the chemotherapy. My lungs were significantly damaged as a result of the treatment, and require me to be on supplemental oxygen 24/7.

Only 1-2% of women end up with this type of side effect. Not only will this disease (pulmonary fibrosis) not get better, it is progressive and is terminal. As you can imagine, this has been quite a shock, and has turned my world upside down.


This is not the end of the story of course, because God is in the picture.

Throughout this process I was blessed with a publishing contract from Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, to publish my book, Give Yourself a Break – Turning Your Inner Critic into a Compassionate Friend, which was released in July. I’m so grateful for this opportunity, and am really pleased with this book.

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My heart is to help others through these difficult times of life…especially when your world gets turned upside down, as mine has. I had a choice to make…amidst a lot of grief (which continues) about how I would handle such a rough diagnosis with such an uncertain future. As I sought God and listened to my heart, I felt compelled to share with others HOPE in the midst of difficult, unexpected and uncertain times. My transition through the grief process was not a pretty one…but it was real and honoring to myself.

I’ve learned some things about how to keep going and even thrive when your life becomes something you never imagined. I know there is more to learn about adjusting and accepting something so difficult, while still staying connected to God, myself and others.

Clinging to God continues to be my lifeline, as well as the prayers and support of so many. Another key factor is the supportive relationship I have with myself. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I told my self, “I’m going to be a very good friend to myself” during this process. When being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis this became even more important. Having yourself as a loving advocate and compassionate friend as you go through the ups and downs of life is absolutely essential.

I would definitely not have chosen this path, but I now welcome what God can do in the midst of it.

We often don’t get a choice about what comes our way.  We always have a choice about how we respond to it; how we treat others, and ourselves; and whether we turn toward God or away from Him.

I still grieve in smaller ways most every day. I also try to have as optimistic and hopeful a perspective as I can, realizing that what has happened to my health, counseling practice and my life is only part of the bigger picture – because of God.

Of course it’s not like I know what these greater purposes are now …but here is what I do know:

  • God is good (James 1:17)
  • He will work things together for ultimate good (Rom 8:28)
  • He will give me the strength to handle whatever is happening to me (Phil 4:13; Is 58:11)
  • He will use what is happening to me to affect others, for good or bad (2 Cor 1:3-5)
  • It is up to me to cling to Him and use his love, power, strength and contentment to handle what is happening in the most positive way I can (Phil 4:13)
  • I won’t do any of this perfectly, nor do I need to
  • God uses and strengthens people who are broken and needy (Is 58:11) much more than those who are “together” and self-sufficient.
  • If I allow Him, God will use these tough times to grow me into a more mature, solid, and deep person (Rom 5:3-5).
  • God is good and gives me what I need as I need it (Phil 4:19)

I am trusting God to use these damaged lungs, using supplemental oxygen to give my body the oxygen it needs, to offer HOPE, Optimism and Self-Compassion…in the realness of life.

I recently spoke to a college class about How to Walk Through Pain and Suffering in Our Lives. It is on YouTube if you’d like to watch or listen. Please feel free to share this with someone you know could use encouragement and help

I know the details of your story may be very different from mine…but there are many similarities we probably share. I send you hugs and my compassion for whatever you are going through. Life can be difficult, but we don’t have to go it alone.

Cling to God; Reach out to Others for Support; Be a Compassionate Friend to Yourself. This is not the end of your story, or His Story through you.

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Kim is the author of Give Yourself a Break: Turning Your Inner Critic into a Compassionate Friend. She enjoys sharing about the transforming power of self-compassion integrated with our faith through her blog Self-Compassion for Real Life, speaking (locally or over Skype) and radio interviews.


Mommy Guilt

Last Friday was Apple Day in kindergarten. When the yellow parent volunteer sheet came home I signed up right away. If there was a big day for my kid- I want to be there. (Our intentions are so good right?)

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But then -life, and overcommitting myself, and trying to get the groove in my new job and schedule. And “Apple Day Eve” it was made clear that  I needed to work instead of going to Apple Day. So I sat down with my blue-eyed beauty and explained that mommy wasn’t going to be able to come after all, and that I was so sorry. She was quiet for awhile and then said, “I’m afraid I’ll be sad when I see the other moms…. but it’s ok, mom.”


I swallowed hard, then reassured her I would be in her class for the next event (WHICH I ADDED TO MY CALENDAR IN CAPITAL, BOLD LETTERS).  And then the inner dialogue began. “What kind of mother are you? How could you choose work over your daughter’s big day?  You won’t get this opportunity back. Are you choosing your work over her? ” And so on and so on and so on…

Mommy guilt. The struggle is real.  And sisters, WE AIN’T GOT NO TIME FOR THIS. It’s destroying us.

I’ve been in conversations with many different mamas the past couple weeks and in listening I’ve noticed a common thread:  Mommy GUILT.  These are moms I admire with good kids. But I’m discovering they struggle with guilt as much as I do. One mom who has grown kids mentioned she regrets the moments she “missed” when her son was little. A mom of a newborn commented on the struggle she feels when she needs to make dinner, but it means putting the baby down for a few minutes.  The stay-at-home mom  feels like she should be pursuing her dreams so she can model to her kids how to fulfill their callings. The mom of school aged kids who is working full time feels guilty that she can’t volunteer at her kids’ school.

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It’s either we aren’t doing enough, or we’re doing too much. Our inner critic is ruthlessly attacking our soul.  Kim Fredrickson, author of “Give Yourself a Break” says…”When our shortcomings and mistakes are met with self-judgment and condemnation, we experience a lack of hope and begin to shut down emotionally.”  We experience shame for our guilt and we feel alone – like we’re the only one feeling this way.

Maybe there is power in coming out of that self-condemning darkness and into the light. We are not alone.

Yes, it’s important to prayerfully align our priorities with our lifestyle, re-evaluate often, be committed to GROWTH, and apologize when we make mistakes.

But, sisters can we show ourselves some grace???

I wonder how God our father feels when he hears us berating ourselves. Probably like we do when we hear our precious kids talking down on themselves. “No baby…you are amazing. Yes, you made a mistake, but you are still dearly loved. Don’t believe those lies.”  He sings over us Romans 8:1 “Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  Isaiah 40:11 says of God- “He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those who have young.

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Let’s be real that none of us are perfect. Really…not even the gal who is “put together” everyday with her four beaming children who stand in age order beside her. She fails her kids too. She struggles with the same questions you and I do.

Let’s thank our moms for doing the best they could with us.

Let’s celebrate the victories in our mothering and cheer for each other.

Because here’s the raw truth: you were  chosen to be mom of your specific kids. We will all make mistakes. But they’re  gonna turn out alright..

We’ll give our best and then have a savings fund ready for our kids’ therapy funds when they need it.

I see you. You’re loving well. You’re doing the best you can with what’s before you.

Let your Heavenly Father remind you that you are dearly loved in your imperfection and your not done growing.

And at the end of the day you can hang your hat on this : you’re a good mom.


Our Envelope

20150924_142423The envelope showed up at the beginning of February.

The doorbell rang as we were sitting around our worn dinner table. I don’t remember what we were eating, but we had just finished bowing our heads and thanking God for the food. It wasn’t fancy food…but we were thankful for it. Finances were sparse again. Unemployment was plaguing us again.  Again…that word added weight to a difficult situation. Stress and fatigue had etched itself into my husband’s handsome face.  Despair stood knocking on the door of my heart.  We had been walking by faith, doing our best to trust that a job was in our future. On this particular weekday though, it felt as if our hope reserves were as low as our bank account.

But despair doesn’t win. When you wait on HOPE, He comes for you.

The ringing of our doorbell  startled all four of us. We all got up to go open the door, finding no one. Instead of a person,  a simple envelope lay upon our welcome mat. Our kids excitedly questioned what it was. My husband picked it up and his eyebrows shot up in shock as he looked inside. It was filled with money.  Whoever had given it had been extremely generous.

We were speechless.  Tears came.  Our kids saw God tangibly reach out and help their mom and dad. Our little family hit our knees thanking our good Father and praying for the amazing people who we would never get a chance to thank.

With that simple envelope our God had reminded us that He does not forsake those He loves. He breathes hope into hopeless situations through His people. And He provides for our needs…sometimes in mysterious ways.

The story of the anonymous envelope of money would be an encouraging one even if it ended there. But God wasn’t done with this one.  It became miraculous.



Do you know the bible story from 2 Kings;  the one about the widow who was in a hopeless financial  situation and only had a tiny bit of oil left in her jar? God had her  pour that oil into another empty jar given to her by a neighbor…and it filled it up! And then another jar, and another…the oil did not run out! Do you know it? It’s a good one. Sometimes I need to be reminded that the God who did that for her, is the same God that I cry out to today.  He didn’t get older, or less caring of His kids, or tired of miracles. His glory shines just as bright now as it did then. His love is just as tender.

The envelope was placed in a safe place and we began to pull cash out of it when we needed it. We tried to stretch it, but honestly our needs were great. Groceries were needed and so to the envelope I would go. Bills were due and I would return to pull out more.  A month went by and I noticed we had not run out. Strange, I had thought, since it had seemed like we had spent the total. Another month passed and there was still a thickness to the envelope. It truly made no logical sense. I thought about counting it, but something held me back. I began then to believe that God was doing a miracle with that envelope.  And so, without seeing how much we had left, I carefully replaced it in the drawer and thanked Him for whatever He was doing. 20150924_141939

The ‘oil continued to pour’ and each month we would stand in awe that the envelope was still not empty! We never counted it, and God kept giving.

That single, anonymous, generous, miraculous envelope lasted for 6 months.

You read that right. 6 months! There is no way the initial amount, as generous as it was, could have lasted for 6 months of groceries and bills.

Even now I can hardly believe it.  For half a year that white envelope sat in a drawer and was a constant reminder that we were not on our own in this fight. That despair would not get the last word, that HOPE lives here and we belong to HIM.

He Is Good.

We used the last bills from it just this last month. It was beautiful timing as we had just moved, and begun to settle into our new chapter of life, including employment! The manna is gone, it is no longer needed, for our God leads us on into His promises.

Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow.  James 1:17


Expand Your Heart

My first track coach taught us to train our lungs in order to run longer with less effort. I have come to think the heart, like our lungs, was designed to expand for greater capacity.

We work on heart expansion all the time, right? Loving a second child as much as the first. Showing equal care for a spouse as for a beloved job or cause. Nurturing every student (especially the challenging ones). Making a new in-law feel welcome.  

Often these expansions are passive, involving effort only when required. I wonder how big, and pliable, our hearts could become if we directed more attention to their expansion.

A few years ago God knocked massive holes in the Frederick family calendar. I stared at those holes for too long asking for the purpose behind the empty space. Sadly, I was so busy looking for the reason behind the space that I nearly missed the purpose for it.

You see, God was giving our hearts time to train and prepare for the next season of our family story. The season that was quickly approaching. The season of ‘extra kids’.


It is difficult to quantify how significant these extra kids have become. Jason and I truly love them. Kaitlyn and Kaden think nothing of rotating rooms and bunkbeds, taking kids before or after school, meeting needs without question. As I write this, Kaden is sleeping in a ‘nest’ on my bedroom floor because we have a guest in his room and an extra kid in Kaitlyn’s room. We have a modest house and busy lives, but our family has learned to practice flexibility and just say ‘yes.’

Not a  ‘yes’ of codependence, but a ‘yes’ to what God has orchestrated. There is a distinctly different quality to adjusting your life in order to say ‘yes’ to the best focus for the season.

Here are a few of the things that have helped us say yes more easily:

*Quesadillas and air-popped popcorn are inexpensive snacks for large groups. Fruit is an easy way to slip-in added nutrition. We maintain the supplies for several simple dinners, and bacon is always in our freezer.

*We buy extra toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brushes, hair bands, deodorant, and face wipes. Kids often forget one of these items when they pack their overnight bag.

*I frequent yard sales and thrift stores for extra soccer gear and clothing.

*We found free air hockey and ping pong tables, and built a carpet ball table.

*We gently postpone screen time for the sake of art projects, forts, nerf wars, or outside play.

*Vacuuming frequently makes a full house feel cleaner.

*Jason and I are conscious of our energy tanks and help each other make time for the things that refill us.

*We also keep an eye on Kaitlyn and Kaden. Kaitlyn (our introvert) benefits from regular doses of cave time. Kaden (our extrovert) benefits from regular doses of focused time with Jason or I.

On a deeper level, we are no longer startled when the veil is pulled back to reveal pain or struggle. Your neighbors, friends, coworkers, and classmates are doing all they can to hold it together.

We humbly navigate this season of life with our hands and hearts open. Open to love when nothing can be returned. Open to rearrange, juggle, and fight for the balance required to remain present and available. Open to our own imperfections. Open to messiness.

We are an altered family. And, the miraculous part, the thing that indicates our Good Dad’s tender expansion  of our hearts, is that this season feels completely normal and absolutely wonderful.


Dear ones, I would encourage you to consider the current season of your story.

What is your heart meant to expand for?  (For us it was kids but for you it may be something else entirely)

What you can do to make your heart more pliable?


– Laura

Welcome back!

To all of our new or faithful readers,

Welcome back!!!  

We knew we’d post less frequently over the summer. What we did not anticipate, until we were in the thick of it, was that we would need the entire summer to rest from storytelling. We launched this blog because we thrive on sharing the work God is doing in our midst. However, storytelling takes an emotional toll. Thank you for graciously allowing us a time of rest.

We look forward to entering this new season with you. What will God do? Let’s find out together.

It’s September: the end of summer spontaneity, the beginning of a new school year and new set of routines,  and the hope that apples and pumpkin spice are in our near future.

It has been a dismal few weeks in California- hasn’t it? The ground is dry – the land scorched by prolonged days of heat.

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Temperatures have soared to triple digits. Green pastures have been morphed into dry, brown wastelands and the drought has everyone on high alert with regards to water usage. Our front yards are brown with crunchy grass. Folks are choosing to re-landscape with drought resistant materials or just resorting to painting their grass green! In the addition to the heat, our land has been sabotaged with wildfires. Dark brown clouds have filled the sky and the air reeks of smoke making it difficult to breathe. It’s a daily reminder of the devastation that is happening to our land and our people in areas nearby.

We have watched news reports on many who have lost their homes.  Firefighters and volunteers are putting their lives on the line. Newspapers tally the growing acreage of forests that are burning and growing exponentially every day.

There seemed to be no stopping the powerful force of darkness…

Lord, have mercy.

And then yesterday.. while many of us huddled inside with air conditioners on trying to avoid the heat and  smell of smoke, the dark billowing clouds suddenly released.


Tiny droplets of pure water danced on the windows. And for a moment…we gasped and stopped and marveled. Children ran outside and frolicked in the rain. People raised their heads to look up as the sky rained down small bits of hope. There was a collective momentary sigh of relief. This destruction would not last forever. A freshness was on it’s way.


It was as if all of nature responded, “this is not the end of the story…”


Don’t we need to remind ourselves of that truth?

In the same way so many of our hearts are suffering from drought. We are downcast, our souls feel dry, we are forgetting what peace ever felt like, and we are reeling with doubt.

Our hope is that REVEALINGTHESTORY  is a space that offers a little bit of refreshment to our sun-scorched souls. It’s here we encourage each other to REMEMBER.  We remind each other of the beautiful stories God has written through our individual lives.

Together we  battle lies with truth- We are not alone. This is NOT the end of our stories, THERE IS STILL HOPE.

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So join us for another season. Read each other’s accounts of a God who comes near. Courageously share your story.

May the words you read here be like water to your soul.


Hallways and doors


My word for the year is provision. Maybe that was because  in January as I anticipated a year of potential challenges I needed to believe that God would provide. And each month I’ve had to look for it- with expectation. And friends, I’ve seen it.

We are just finishing some LONG  years in a ph.d program for my husband (any of you who understand the gravity of what this means- I welcome you for a support meeting later).  He has worked so hard and persevered. And so many times we thought we’d never make it. Upon the other side of this accomplishment, however came the realization that this meant a job change. Like Abraham we knew God was telling my husband to leave his current job (by faith) and follow Him without knowing where we were headed next.  “Walking by faith and not by sight.” This is not my favorite by the way- I’d much rather KNOW what the plan is and then create an exit strategy rather than  say goodbye and have to answer to a whole lot of “where are you going next?” questions without a concrete answer.

For 18 months my husband researched, applied and interviewed at universities around the country.   Our family also looked into various ministry opportunities overseas that aligned with our hearts.  One week I was literally trying to “picture”  potential opportunities which included: living in a country town in Tennessee, as teachers in a small village in Kenya,  as a professor’s wife on the beaches of San Diego, or helping start a new ministry in the jungles of Uruguay. Seriously?

We learned about being WILLING.  The process was good for us. Maybe God cared more about the posture of our hearts than the actual vocation and location we’d land in. We dreamt together again. We talked about our hopes and our desires, we invited our friends and mentors to speak into our lives and we prayed a lot. Our kids did too. Doors would open and then close. It was such a roller coaster. ( I apologize to those of you who we took on every bump and hill).

Time was winding down.

By May, the goodbyes and accolades had been given at my husband’s current job and we were looking at being unemployed  in a month later.  I began to get nervous. Did God forget us? Was he really going to provide? Didn’t he know we’d be out of a salary in a month and we have three kids to feed?  My prayers became a bit more urgent (and less faith-filled). A friend sent me this and it hit me between the eyes…


It felt like a  really LONG hallway lined with closed doors… But could I still praise Him?

I could praise Him for HIS UNFAILING CHARACTER even in uncertain circumstances.

And then the weirdest thing happened.   After applying everywhere, way late in the game, a professor job opened up at the very university my husband was working at.  Not just any job- THE JOB- the one he had applied for all over the country- the one he was preparing for in his years of late night doctoral studies-His dream faculty job, teaching undergraduate intercultural studies classes. And it was HERE- it’d mean we wouldn’t have to move- no leaving our church, schools, community that we so dearly loved. No one had seen this coming! My husband was contacted and asked to apply. The process was fast-tracked and a couple weeks ago he was offered the job.

I sit here trying to process all this I’m embarrassed at how I doubted before and how I began to believe that maybe this would be the ONE TIME God wasn’t going to provide. And yet in the ninth inning of the game- in OVERTIME- He did. He provided. A surprise.  Better than we could’ve expected. original He made a way where there seemed to be no way. We are now on the other side and can breathe a sigh of relief. I write this to remind myself and you that God is a provider. For those of you in that hallway with doors that just seem to keep closing I wanna say- I know how you feel. I’ve so been there and I was messy in the hallway. But you, my friend – He knows you. He provides seed for the sparrows to eat every day. He clothes the lilies of the fields. You are certainly not forgotten. He will provide somehow, someway and it may not be as you expect. And soon you’ll have a God-story to share of His provision and we’ll celebrate with you.

Go to the Mattresses

‘Go to the mattresses’ has been a running theme for me. A reminder to look up, bare my soul, and reframe my perspective. I hope you can relate…

Have you ever heard the story of Job? It’s a tremendous tale of loss and restoration. I’ve always focused on the poor advice Job received as a lesson in what NOT to do when I’m in the mud with people.

Recently my sister opened my eyes to an earlier part in Job’s story, the account of what happened when his friends first discovered his muddy state. Job 2:12-13 says: “When they saw him from a distance, they could hardly recognize him; they began to weep aloud… Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word, because they saw how great his suffering was.”


What do you think they did during those seven days of silence?

Did they feel helpless? Were they talking to God? Were they racking their minds in search of solutions?

After seven days of silence (seven days in the mud) Job felt safe enough to become even more honest with his friends. You can read about it in chapter 3 – “Why is life given to the bitter of soul, to those who long for death that does not come, who search for it more than for hidden treasure.. My groans pour out like water.”

That’s when things took a turn. Job’s friends shifted from silently communing with him to advising and diagnosing – proposing ways to clean off the mud.

I wonder if the book of Job would have been shorter if his friends had understood the posture of power God offers us when we get down in the mud with people. It’s a posture as powerful as that of a fully armoured warrior kneeling to pay tribute.


That image reminds me of the Godfather scene from You’ve Got Mail – “Go to the mattresses. You’re at war. I know you worry about being brave. Don’t. This is your chance. Fight! Fight!” 

Jason and I like to keep moving even when we’re down in the mud with people. We feel the need to fight for those we love that are hurting.  For example, we won’t rush you through your grief process. In fact, we’ll watch your kids to give you more space to grieve. – Do you see how that is still an action?!

Action is great. BUT, sometimes God asks us to stop moving. To sit in the mud without flinching. To stop racking our minds for solutions and simply remember his power.

This is really, really hard for me. Especially if I’m down in the mud with a child. In that type of pit I find that reaching the end of possible actions feels like running at a full sprint straight into a cement wall.

I shared about one such wall in The Painful Side of Love.

There, at the wall of the pit, bruised by the hard cement, my Good God taught me something new.

He gently whispered Psalm 3:3 over my broken heart: “You, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.

God reminded me that David uttered Psalm 3:3 when he was in serious danger. People wanted to kill him and yet David talked about God being a shield around him. God taught me that this type of shield was used when people were preparing to move deeper into danger.

That day my Good Dad, my Warrior King, invited me to go to the mattresses – to pray Psalm 3:3 over my muddy loved one. To fight the discouragement that’s only natural when you’re overwhelmed by mud and cement walls. To fight the discouragement in order to shift into battle mode — putting on my full armor and kneeling in tribute to my Warrior King.  I kneel because He crumbles cement walls. I kneel because He holds all answers. I kneel and keep my eyes wide open to watch and wait for evidence of my Warrior King in action.

We’re at war. I know you worry about being brave, Don’t. This is your chance. Fight! Fight discouragement. Kneel to the one who offers you the ability to look up, to hold your head up high.



Overnight parents

Our Revealing the Story team first met Ashley when one of us spoke at a women’s retreat.  Ashley shone with joy and humor and artistic talent.  She especially amazed us on the day women stood to share their “God-stories.” Ashley opened up about one of the hardest things for women to talk about – the hopelessness of infertility. Weeks later, we received an email with news of this MIRACLE!!!  You’ve got to hear her story.


I have had my hands full with my new life as a first time mom. I wanted to tell our whole whirlwind of a story about how we become parents overnight…literally!  Here we go!


My husband Matt and I have been married almost 12 years. We’ve struggled with infertility for many of those years. We met with doctors and had consultations but never felt God’s desire for us to pursue the expensive route of fertility options.  Back in November I started talking to Matt seriously about adoption. We had always talked about adoption even before we were married but this time I felt we were really ready. Matt’s initial reaction was one that had always in the back of his mind, but he never had shared with me before. He told me how expensive adoption would be and that we did not have the finances that were required. We talked about it and he said we would need to start saving for the adoption and pay off our debt. After we had some significant savings set aside we could evaluate starting the adoption process.

There was something about his answer that didn’t sit right with me. I didn’t believe God wanted us to wait any longer to become parents. A week or so later I came to Matt with an idea of starting a business where we could could sell handmade crafts and inspirational items in an online store. The ideas was that this business could help us pay down our debt and then jump start our saving for the adoption cost.

Before we officially launched the new business we asked friends of ours out to lunch. We wanted to get their opinion on the business idea. They agreed to meet later the following week for lunch but also mentioned that they knew we were going to ask them to lunch.  At lunch the next week we explained our situation. We had never discussed our infertility struggle or desire to adopt with them in the past. We also went over the business idea we came up with to accelerate our savings plan for the adoption. They had some great input and a couple tips we hadn’t thought of.

After lunch they told us why they had known we were going to ask them to lunch.  They shared that adoption had always been on their heart. They imagined they might adopt after they had a couple children of their own but still hadn’t felt the call to adoption. Next they shared with us that when they met us years earlier they knew very quickly that God was going to use them to help with our adoption. They shared they had been waiting for the right time to share this with us and now years later when we had invited them to lunch and shared our desires and plan they knew the time was now.

That is when they told us that God had already provided 100% of all the adoption costs for us.

We were speechless and in complete shock. This was the truest example of living like no one else so later you can give like no one else!  This would be an amazing story of God’s miraculous provision and timing even if the story ended here but it doesn’t!!!

Shortly after this lunch meeting our pastor asked us to share this story on a Sunday morning. We agreed to share what God had done in belief that hearing about this could increase hope and faith for others.

On Friday two days before we were scheduled to share at church our pastor received a Facebook message. It went something like this. “Pastor my 17 year old sister is pregnant and believes she is too young to be a mother and would like to choose adoption for her child. Do you know anyone in your church that is looking to adopt?” Our pastor was shocked at the timing. He quickly replied and said “not only do I know a couple ready to adopt but they are sharing this Sunday at church, come and I will introduce you all.” We shared our story that Sunday. After service we met the young man who sent the Facebook message and scheduled a lunch meeting for the next day.

sunday interview

 After our Pastor interviewed us earlier during that Sunday Service he prayed for our upcoming adoption process (we hadn’t even signed with any agency or law firm). He specifically asks God to speed up the hands of time in this process for us. We never imagined God would answer a prayer so quickly and literally.

Later that same evening (about 12:30am) Matt received a phone call. Long story short we were invited to the hospital to meet the family that evening. The lunch date for the next day couldn’t wait as the 17 year old birth mom had gone into labor Sunday evening and was already at the hospital. I was asleep Matt woke me up and we rushed out of the house to the hospital. We met with the family then we were introduced to the birth mother. A couple hours later when the Doctor was alone with the birth mother she was asked if she wanted anyone to cut the umbilical cord. Without hesitation she said she wanted Matt to do it. At 6:23 that morning Matt cut the umbilical cord of our first born daughter, Lily Rose. We were even able to fill out the birth certificate and when we left the hospital two days later we left as a family of 3!


Our first picture of our family of 3!


When we got home from the hospital we had our own personal baby store. Our family and friends were amazing they went out and got us everything we needed for Lily.


Lily is now 4 months old and it really is true what every one says, time flies by. She has changed our life in the best way possible. She has such a sweet spirit, always happy and smiling all the time.


Thanks for spending some time reading our amazing God story. It seems like that is the best way to describe it –  our “God story”

xo xo

Ash, Matt & Lily


P.S. Ashley and Matt’s business, “Anchored Living” is up and running generating funds for adoptions.  Check them out!

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