Each day is special but sometimes I want to scream: “get me off this crazy train!”
If you’re like me, even amidst days full of activities and people, I fall into bed with a body that is weary, and a soul that feels dead. And since time is precious, I will make this short:
We need moments of refreshment.
Momentary exhales where we remember that God is God and we are not.
Moments to surrender to His lead, to relax beside still waters (maybe only figuratively) -because it’s there He refreshes our soul.
Recently I found myself in that familiar tired, worn out place. So I forced myself to put the laundry down, leave my phone in the kitchen, go to my room, and close my door. (The struggle is REAL, friends).
In the quiet, all alone, my eyes filled with tears and I wrote :
“My soul is so hungry, Lord.”
God reminded me, ” I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry ” John 6:35
“My spirit is dry and I’m so thirsty“
And I remembered the verse..”but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”John 4:14 ”
“I am so tired and weary”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:26
I realized there was a commonality in these verses: when we admit our need, He beckons us to “come to Him” then promises to fill our emptiness.
And I’m finding that only God satisfies the deepest longings of our soul. Scrolling Facebook, nor scarfing a bag of chips, nor Netflix binges, nor even small talk with a friend will refill our cups the way that moments with Jesus can.
Think about it..When things get all outta whack on our computer screen, or an influx of input causes the machine to glitch and freeze, what do we do? We look for the refresh button and with a click of a finger all things align and fall back into place.
These days I’m reminded to search for those “refresh button” moments.
When life makes me frantic or I notice I’m operating on empty- it’s time to return to my Maker, the one whose burden is easy and light.
Let him refresh your soul today with the words from this song based on Isaiah 55.
” All who are weary,
all who are weak
come to the fountain
dip your heart in the Stream of life.
The pain and the sorrow
will wash away
In the waves of his Mercy
Where deep calls out to Deep
come Lord Jesus, come. ”