How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

Author: Alyssa Gluck (Page 4 of 4)

Watch me dance


The floor is littered with legos and spy gear.

There is a constant streaming of Minecraft strategic dialogue.

These boys of mine. They sweat, they play, they wrestle, they create.

And somehow according to God’s great design….. a little girl, dressed in pink leotard, with frills, and beads, and high-heeled shoes DANCES.  She dances oblivious to the fact that her brothers have set up cameras, lights and alarms to spy on her.  She just dances to the song she sings because that’s what she was created to do.

And she beckons mama to come, and sit, and put her phone down….to watch her dance.

She dances with focus and abandon.  I smile and think, “when was it that we stopped dancing? When did we get too distracted by the spies around us who were competing for the spotlight?  When did we lose our confidence?”

What would it take to dance again? To be free? To pirouette and twirl to the beat of our own song?

Because I think that inside everyone of US is a little girl with a desire to dance- to be celebrated-to be accepted-to be championed for shining in the ways God made her to shine.

Could we do that for each other?  Rather than being jealous or threatened when we see each other succeed, could we clap and cheer  each other on?..

My thoughts are interrupted as the song ends, and a little girl with blonde braids curtsies. I applaud and she smiles.  Her mission is accomplished. Someone watched her do her “thing” and  affirmed her in her gifts…she is satisfied and the day can go on.

My mama’s heart was full watching my little angel dance that day.  And God reminded me:  He, our Abba (Daddy) God loves to watch His precious daughters dance too. He dotes over us- these babes of His flesh, and He delights in applauding us when He sees us DANCE in all our glory.

So dance, sister knowing there is a God who DELIGHTS in you just as you are. Dance and we will cheer you on.

He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. ” Zephaniah 3:16






Provision in The Gap

I am clearly a worrier when it comes to finances.

I worry that there’s not enough in the bank.

I worry when there’s too much in the bank, that we won’t be wise with what we have been given.

Why do I worry?

Living in one of the wealthiest nations of the world, it’s RIDICULOUS that I worry about finances. I have seen poverty. I have shared a sack lunch with Miriam, a homeless woman on the streets of San Francisco, I have hugged kids who can’t afford shoes in Mexico, I have passed by children begging for food in Belize, I have sat in a mud hut in Kenya and  watched Mary, a young  mom, give birth to a son only to lose him a week later to starvation.

This is not our reality. In our family, back home,  we have always had enough. God has ALWAYS provided our daily bread. We have never a day gone hungry. We have never a day gone without a roof over our heads (even when our house burnt down- insurance provided a hotel for us to stay in). We have seen CRAZY, CRAZY provision time and time again. And STILL I doubt, thinking…” But what about THIS time?”

When this fall’s budget wasn’t looking good on paper- I worried. Yes, there were many unexpected expenses that came our way this summer emptying our savings accounts: termites, new water heater, car expenses to name a few. There were changes in my husband’s salary that made things tighter than before.

And of course, because God has a sense of humor, the kids’ memory verse this month was Matthew 6:31:

“Do not worry about what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, or what you shall wear. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”

I wanted to believe that, but what did I do?  I WORRIED.

The last week of September we were waiting for the next paycheck to go grocery shopping.  We had run out of most everything including PEANUT BUTTER (a family staple!). We had run out of cash, so we got creative with what we had left in the pantry.  The kids were picking up on the fact that the belt was tightened.  We had tried hard to stay out of credit card debt, but having exhausted our savings, we reluctantly put my husbands’ fall doctorate tuition on the credit card. $1000.

My husband has incredible faith and reminds me often to trust in God – who is ALWAYS faithful, even when we are faithless.  He prayed for God to provide that money somehow. I remembered Kallie’s post “The Note” and inspired by her, we prayed specifically. But really, God did HUGE miracles for her, but I didn’t think He’d do that for us.


September 30. I was sitting around the homework table with our kids when we heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find BOXES and boxes full of groceries scattered on our front porch. I stood in shock. I was curious,” “who did this?” and humbled, “who did I tell?” and reminiscent, “us, again? We were just here.”  I was thankful for those who were obedient to so selflessly give. I was humbled, “so many others need this more than we do.” And yet the reminder, God heard our cry.


The kids opened the first bag of groceries and my four year old yelled, “PEANUT BUTTER!! HOW did God know?”

I cried happy tears and sad tears. On that day, AGAIN Jehovah Jireh, God showed Himself to be faithful through the obedience of anonymous friends.

FAITHFUL to me.  To our kids.  To my faith-filled husband.

As if that wasn’t enough, the NEXT day, my husband came home after work with a huge grin on his face. “Look what was in my mailbox?” he said,  and pulled out an envelope. INSIDE a small note.

Psalm 46:1- “God is my refuge and strength. An ever present help in times of trouble.” 

No name.  Just  cash. $1000 cash! That’s a LOT of money.  $1000. The exact amount we had just put on our credit card. The exact amount we had prayed for. We cried, we cheered, we had a little worship service right there Wow, God.

Thus, my facebook status update that night read:

There are those moments when God stops you in your tracks. He cares for your heart in small ways or He provides for your family in tangible big ways. Either way you know it’s Him. It’s just gotta be. The God who sees…The God who provides….The God who knows. That’s our story.





God in the fire


“Firefighters have almost completely contained The King Fire, Cal Fire said Friday night. ” The wildfire that was  sparked 20 days ago reeked havoc on 151 miles of mountain terrain . The effects of the fire and smoke spanned for hundreds of miles. The landscape of the area has been forever changed. For those of us in NorCal, the King fire  affected the weather patterns and air quality in our area.   Even here at home, children were brought indoors for recesses, soccer practices were cancelled, and asthmatics were given breathing treatments.

I wrote this entry last week….

“Here at home….it’s an eery kind of overcast. The smell of smoke is thick in the air. The air quality reports are measuring dangerous to sensitive people.

And my family- we are sensitive. Not to breathing the smoky air but to the memories the smell triggers for us. There has been so much healing, but the memories are still fresh from our own fire.

Two years ago- that pungent smoke smell accompanied the horrific sight of watching our home burn down.


Flames of FIRE only burned a few of our belongings, the attic, and the wall frames of half of our house. SMOKE, however permeated everything that could be salvaged. For months, that smell would make my throat ache and my stomach churn. SMOKE and Fire: destructive accomplices  working  hand-in-hand to destroy.

AND YET, as I breathe that smoky air and remember our house fire, I remember the devastation, yes. I remember the loss and the trauma my family experienced but more than that I remember GOD’S PRESENCE.

The thick smoke smell brings it all back.

God in fire.


He was with us.


I think about the devastation fire brings. I remember how it took my kids’ toys, and my childhood piano, our furniture, and some nostalgic objects. I remember the trauma of being “homeless” for a bit. But more than that I remember how GOD was SO very present in it all. It was like He was right there with us. Everyday we saw miracles. We needed and He provided. We were scared and He comforted. We were traumatized and fearful and He restored our courage and hope. We lost almost every tangible THING, but we gained the KINGDOM.

“Though you walk through the fire, I will be there. And through the flames. You’ll not, be burned. For I am with you.” Isaiah 43:2

And here’s the weirdest and coolest thing. In studying the Bible , I learned that God used FIRE and SMOKE to represent his God’s presence again and again. One commentary said “God’s revelation of Himself and His will was often accompanied by FIRE.”

Think about it:

  • The voice of God spoke to Moses in a “burning” bush
  • When Moses went up to meet God at Mt. Sinai, the mountain top was consumed with FIRE (the very presence of God)
  • When Baal and Elijah chose to sacrifice at the altars, they both prayed for their gods to bring down a FIRE from heaven to show which one was REAL. Guess who won?
  • Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego were thrown in the FIRE when they refused to bow down to another god.  The image of a fourth man was also seen in the fire (Jesus)
  • God led the Israelites to the Promised land through a cloud of smoke in the day and  a pillar of FIRE by night.

The year anniversary of our house fire, we sat around the table and talked about what we remembered, what we had learned. My six year old son said it best: “I learned GOD was REAL.”

Yep, and He did that through the fire.  So from this day forward, when I smell that pungeant smoke smell, or I see flames burning, or hear news reports of land set ablaze, my heart will ache for those who will experience loss through that fire. I know how devastating that can be. But part of me will smirk a bit and think.”just wait – God is gonna reveal Himself through that fire.”

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28-29







Author of our days


A new school year is upon us. Good….Lord….help me.  Three kids in school, soccer, ballet, music lessons, keeping up with the house, working part time, cheering on the husband who is deep in the woods of his dissertation, and trying  to catch my breath here and there.  I think I might as well paint our mini van yellow and place a taxi sign on top because that’s about all I’m good for right now. (“Can I get an AMEN?”) The bliss of summer days are long gone and  I have returned to my familiar frantic pace.

(Insert Sigh here) And then I came across this piece that I wrote last spring….and GOD reminded me (through my own story) of what HE did last year when I stepped back from my schedule and let Him pen the agenda. LOOK WHAT GOD DID!


A year ago, October I was at an event to listen to one of my favorite speakers. Dang.  You know those times where you feel like a pastor or teacher is talking directly TO YOU? Yep. Me too.  I won’t forget it. The topic was simplifying life…making room for “interruptions.” I was convicted from the start.

You see, once again, my pace was too frantic. I am a master of filling the hours of my day-aren’t you?

That night, God seemed to be asking me to STEP BACK.  Step back from various activities, leadership positions, and even my master’s degree pursuit and slow my pace. Instead of creating a to-do list and schedule for the day and hurriedly asking God to sign off on it each morning, the challenge was to start with a blank slate and engage in the adventure of letting God orchestrate my days.

Reluctantly, January 1st (yes it took months to obey),  I finally accepted the challenge. I said “no” and “sorry, I can’t” until I was blue in the face.  At first I was just plain sad to have to back out of many “good” things. What had I done?

Little did I know that I had just embarked on the most amazing chapter in all my years of following Jesus.

I learned from my dad to start the day praying: “What do you have for me today, Lord?” Sometimes the day’s agenda unfolded in the ordinary: play tea party with my daughter, do laundry, make dinner, kiss my husband, or help the older boys with homework. God’s challenge to me was to be fully present.

Other days, the author’s agenda surprised me. (BIG TIME!) During these few months TWO of my friends began to approach me with questions about God. Uh…it was messy and I certainly didn’t have all the answers, but it was God revealing Himself to them. These are folks I have prayed to know Jesus for a long time.    I was FLOORED! Let the record be straight: this doesn’t happen in my normal life. I wouldn’t have had the time for it!  Conversations could go long and I wouldn’t have to rush off to my next event. I was free to answer my phone when  a friend called and needed a safe place to explore spiritual issues. We tripped over ourselves searching for truth.  God began to transform the lives of my beloved friends and for some reason, He allowed me to be in the room and watch.  (#it.doesnot.get.any.better. )

This same semester a group of “moms who pray” began organically gathering at the public school where my kids attend. Women came together, prayed, and watched God work in our lives and among our kids. Community was formed. It was incredibly miraculous, and beautiful, and incredibly God. Had I not stepped back from other things, I would’ve missed out on being a part of what God did here.

The author also penned many opportunities to open the doors of our home. Having an open schedule allowed for spontaneous, “sure! Come on over”(s). Many precious ones filled the chairs around our family dinner table. We laughed, we cried, we learned. We broke bread together.

God ‘s agenda also included some really hard days. Sitting with friends in crises when deaths, illnesses, and broken marriages unexpectedly became part of their story. Heartache. God gave me the gift of being AVAILABLE.  Conversations went longer, playdates lingered,  naptimes sometimes got skipped, last minute dinners were thrown together, but it felt like the KINGDOM. My way=busy, God’s way=meaningful, purposeful, abundant LIFE.

My calendar was no longer filled with programs and routines that were beginning to suck the life out of me, and my perspective shifted to seeing what God authored for my days. And really, friends, it had nothing to do with me.  I just functioned at a slower pace to where I could SEE GOD at work around me.

I don’t know what your day planner looks like-what responsibilities plague you in the nights… As women there is always more to be done…ALWAYS.

But I’d love to challenge you, challenge ME, again… to take a deep breath.

Say “no” to what you sense you need to say no to.

Slow down.

Step back.

Invite God to be the author of your day…today. The greatest adventure may be just ahead.


On the mat


The story is familiar. We’re going along on our merry way when suddenly, one day,  life takes an unexpected turn: a turn that leaves us injured, wounded and  feeling paralyzed.   We find ourselves in desperate need of help . I’m sure you have been there.

The Bible tells the story of the paralyzed man who couldn’t get to Jesus on his own. There were no wheelchairs, no hospital bed. He laid on a mat….Until his friends enter the scene.  God and man connected for a moment because his friends cared.   It was ultimately THEIR FAITH, not his own, that  healed him.  With compassion and great determination, four of them surrounded the paralyzed man and lifted the mat he lay on, carrying him to the house where Jesus was. And they didn’t stop there.  Through the crowds, the paralyzed man still couldn’t get to Jesus on his own. So the friends found a way- together. They distributed and shouldered his weight. They strategized, stumbled, leaned on each other, and creatively decided to just break the roof off the house. (Whose idea was that? Those are pretty determined friends,  if you ask me). Through that hole, they lowered their friend on the mat all the way down to Jesus’ feet.  “Pay attention to this one, Lord!” And BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH, Jesus healed the man.

Can you relate to this story? I sure can. Two years ago, I was that girl on the mat. A series of painful events including the death of my grandmother and a devastating house fire left me broken, emotionally and physically exhausted, and paralyzed with fear.  It was in that time that the God who sees me and knows our needs came in the form of friends. Many, many folks jumped on board to help us, but 4 key people, in particular, chose the messy job of carrying my mat. Each one grabbed an end and carried me to Jesus.  They mobilized the community to provide food for our family, a roof over our heads, toys for our kids, care for my little ones when I couldn’t be a mother, and offered tons of emotional support.  Through THEM I knew God was real. God was caring for me through the hands and feet of friends.  Left on my own, I wouldn’t have been able to get off my mat and out of my pit. It was their love in action, their FAITH that God used to heal me.

Gradually I regained my strength. Then recently, one of my 4  mat- holder friends went down. She was the strongest of us all…none of us saw it coming.  She had been my “rock” in my ugliest and darkest days. It was time to carry her. With renewed vision I assumed the role of mat- holder, gladly sacrificing myself so this time my friend could be whole again.

Comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” (2 Corithians 1:2)

I watched my friend paralyzed from the pain of watching two loved ones pass away within the span of a couple weeks. And so…it was time for the mat-holders, those who were carried by her before, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to provide for her tangible needs, clean her house, care for her kids, cry with her ,pray for Jesus to do a miracle. We assume new positions around the mat and carry our friend to Jesus begging Him to pay attention.

And I’m learning that this, my friends,  is community. RICH, deep, MESSY community. God did not create us to be alone. He comes in mysterious, supernatural ways. And sometimes he shows Himself through people.  They carried me on my mat when I couldn’t survive life alone, He healed me because of their faith. And now that I’m stronger it is a joy to carry them when life leaves them paralyzed.

Who in your life is “paralyzed” and can’t get to Jesus alone? Let’s be  mat-holders.

And when we find ourselves in those dark places  lying paralyzed on a mat- let us lay aside our pride and be willing to let God become real through our friends who know the way to the healer and will stop at no end to get us there.

Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2





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