Welcome back!!!
We knew we’d post less frequently over the summer. What we did not anticipate, until we were in the thick of it, was that we would need the entire summer to rest from storytelling. We launched this blog because we thrive on sharing the work God is doing in our midst. However, storytelling takes an emotional toll. Thank you for graciously allowing us a time of rest.
We look forward to entering this new season with you. What will God do? Let’s find out together.
It’s September: the end of summer spontaneity, the beginning of a new school year and new set of routines, and the hope that apples and pumpkin spice are in our near future.
It has been a dismal few weeks in California- hasn’t it? The ground is dry – the land scorched by prolonged days of heat.
Temperatures have soared to triple digits. Green pastures have been morphed into dry, brown wastelands and the drought has everyone on high alert with regards to water usage. Our front yards are brown with crunchy grass. Folks are choosing to re-landscape with drought resistant materials or just resorting to painting their grass green! In the addition to the heat, our land has been sabotaged with wildfires. Dark brown clouds have filled the sky and the air reeks of smoke making it difficult to breathe. It’s a daily reminder of the devastation that is happening to our land and our people in areas nearby.
We have watched news reports on many who have lost their homes. Firefighters and volunteers are putting their lives on the line. Newspapers tally the growing acreage of forests that are burning and growing exponentially every day.
There seemed to be no stopping the powerful force of darkness…
Lord, have mercy.
And then yesterday.. while many of us huddled inside with air conditioners on trying to avoid the heat and smell of smoke, the dark billowing clouds suddenly released.
Tiny droplets of pure water danced on the windows. And for a moment…we gasped and stopped and marveled. Children ran outside and frolicked in the rain. People raised their heads to look up as the sky rained down small bits of hope. There was a collective momentary sigh of relief. This destruction would not last forever. A freshness was on it’s way.
It was as if all of nature responded, “this is not the end of the story…”
Don’t we need to remind ourselves of that truth?
In the same way so many of our hearts are suffering from drought. We are downcast, our souls feel dry, we are forgetting what peace ever felt like, and we are reeling with doubt.
Our hope is that REVEALINGTHESTORY is a space that offers a little bit of refreshment to our sun-scorched souls. It’s here we encourage each other to REMEMBER. We remind each other of the beautiful stories God has written through our individual lives.
Together we battle lies with truth- We are not alone. This is NOT the end of our stories, THERE IS STILL HOPE.
So join us for another season. Read each other’s accounts of a God who comes near. Courageously share your story.
May the words you read here be like water to your soul.