How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

Author: Alyssa Gluck (Page 1 of 4)

The melancholy middle

Do you feel it? Melancholy setting in?

We are five weeks in to the “shelter- in- place” aspect of the pandemic. The initial adrenaline of change, being awarded “staycations” with no school and simplified calendars is tapering.

The perceived “snow day” is actually a winter and we’re bracing for a long haul.

Most days I’m pretty good at being an optimist, but the honeymoon is wearing off.

Here we sit in that “middle” space. We don’t know when this will end, or even when restrictions will be lifted. The rates of related deaths rise and we start to put faces to the numbers. We await reports from our government leaders only to find ourselves more confused by their speeches and lost in the abyss of the unknown future.

Our family watched the movie “Groundhog day” a couple weeks ago and it is eerily familiar as I awake this morning ready to “Shelter in place” as we have for the last 40 days. Same song. Same routine. Repeat.

And yet I can’t get this idea out of my head. We have all had “melancholy middles” before -seasons of unknown where we had no idea how things would resolve.

God gently reminds me, He is here with us in the MIDDLE.

“When we’re in the middle of a difficult time, we have to speak against that lie that says, “God is not here.” We have to draw near to God…God answers the mess of life with one word: ‘Grace.’ Those who successfully go through tough times do so because they keep insisting.”

Max lucado

Verses come to mind to battle my despair. I ask myself: “Why so downcast oh my soul? Put your hope in God.”

The Bible is filled with accounts of people who sat in the messy middle, discouraged, and had to REMIND themselves of truth.

“Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has God forgotten to be merciful. Has he in anger withheld his compassion?

Then I thought, To this I will appeal…

I WILL REMEMBER the deeds of the Lord, yes I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.” Your works are wonderful.

Psalm 77:11

Again in Lamentations the author cries out..

“I remember my affliction and my wandering- the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have HOPE. Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are NEW every morning great is your faithfulness. “

Lamentations 3:19-23

When we focus on US, on our frustrations, shortcomings, and all the unknowns -we can despair. But hope is found if we focus on HIM. For generations people have called on the Lord and seen Him to be faithful.

We patiently remember.

We look back. We remind ourselves of the middles we’ve found ourselves in before and how now, we have the luxury of looking back to see the story He was writing . We remind ourselves what He has done in our past, and our faith grows for our future.

He is here. Right by us. He is writing our story. We don’t know what the next chapter holds, but we know the author who holds the pen.

WE sit together in the melancholy middle.

Being refined

Sleep has been difficult these days. As I lay down, my mind races trying to make sense of all there is to process. A few mornings ago, in the wee hours of tossing and turning, a poignant thought struck me: THIS is the season of Lent.

"The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, doing penance, mortifying the flesh, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial. " 

This season, 40 days before Easter, where for generations past, people have more intently sought the Lord. Concurrently this season where across the world we’re experiencing a forced fast of sorts: schools, church services, businesses are all closed. Nations are on lockdown: a giving up, a simplifying, interruption to our daily norm.

I wonder about God’s perspective as He looks down on a globe filled with fires of outbreak. And what does He think? Does he mourn at the suffering? I think as a good Father, He does. Does He dream of a new day when there will be no more tears, no more sickness, no more loss? Scripture tells us He does. Does He long for His people to be drawn to Him? I think so. The truth is…with one swoop of a blanket he could snuff the fire and suffocate the flames. But what will be left among the ashes after this fire is put out?

Fires burn, but they also refine. The “refining fire” is talked about through scripture. These fires purify- burn away the dross and the dead, and leave a cleaner, purified new life.

 And I will put this third into the fire,
    and refine them as one refines silver...
They will call upon my name,
    and I will answer them.
I will say, ‘They are my people’;
    and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” Zechariah 13:9
 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. I Peter 1:7

The timing seems interesting. The scope of the whole world experiencing this at the same time is mind-blowing. I do have to wonder: where is God wanting to refine us, our families, our society at large? Where can we apply the ancient spiritual disciplines of Lent to pray, to confess our sins (both personally and corporately), to give, to seek the Lord more intently?

In this “refining fire” I am noticing my own sin: selfishness, irritability, the desire to control, my love of schedules & routines, finding identity in my work and relationships. I want that to be burned away and come out of this a little more refined. How about you? What is rising to the surface?

The truth is…Easter will come. There will be a day where this is all a strange memory and we’ll be reminded of NEW LIFE, and we’ll return to our “normal” lives. I guess I’m wanting to return different, changed, transformed, a little more refined from walking through this fire. How about you?

Unexpected beauty

Wow, friends. We are “in the middle” of unprecedented times right now, aren’t we? “Coronapocalypse 2020” as my husband calls it. It’s been a few weeks now and across the world we are ALL adjusting, grieving disappointments, recalibrating, social distancing, and trying to make sense of it all. In the dark corners fear, sickness, isolation, selfishness, and confusion rise and we live day to day wondering what will happen next.

A few weeks ago, before this reality, I was out for my early morning routine walk. It’s become a habit to rise before my kids (and often before the sun), throw on a pair of tennis shoes and circle the neighborhood praying for the day and my loved ones. In the cool morning air I walked, and somehow life seemed a little quieter that day. Keeping a brisk pace I listen to the birds chirp and watched the sun rise over the trees.

Approaching a familiar street corner, my eye was drawn to a bright yellow splash of color ahead. The morning rays of the sun almost created a spotlight on this one particular sunflower demanding my attention.

It was early February, definitely not sunflower season, and there amidst the brown, dead leaves and vines (who had gone dormant for winter) rose this skinny, valiant sunflower showing off it’s happy, yellow glow. It was strangely out of place. I knew for a moment I needed to take this image in. These verses came to mind…

"The Sovereign Lord is one me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the comfort all who bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes." Isaiah 61:1-3
"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I have come that you may have life, and life abundantly." John 10:10

It seems that through this little skinny sunflower God was preemptively trying to teach me a lesson. It is certainly easy to be overwhelmed by the heartache and difficulties around us. But amidst it all- there is beauty. He is creating LIFE from death, He is the artist of all that is beautiful.

Unexpected beauty. Psychologists are saying that gratitude is the best antidote to fear. How do we train our eyes to look for His handiwork around us, His beauty and be grateful?

Yesterday, we had our kids participate in this exercise in gratitude. I was amazed to see what our 9 year old daughter wrote.

Though it seems like we’re surrounded by sickness, darkness, and fear- there is hidden beauty if we “put on a new pair of glasses.” It’s in the birds chirping, oblivious that the human race is caught up in such a time. It’s in the rain that replenishes the dry ground and causes new life to sprout. It’s in the laughter of resilient, creative children stuck at home another day. It’s in stories of people finding ways to serve each other and connect; like the story of the quarantined Italians who opened their windows and joined together in song from their homes of quarantine, or the people who are serving the elderly in our community. These are the ways of God- making all things new and creating unexpected beauty.

Let’s be on the lookout for signs of beauty around us today that we can thank God for. Put on those glasses. It’s evidence that He is in our midst and the story isn’t over yet.

Refresh Button

We’ve  made it to the end of May! Can we agree? This month rivals December for the title of “most insane month” when it comes to schedule.

Each day is special but sometimes I want to scream: “get me off this crazy train!”

If you’re  like me, even amidst days full of activities and people, I fall into bed with a body that is weary, and a soul that feels dead. And since time is precious, I will make this short:

We need moments of refreshment.

Momentary exhales where we remember that God is God and we are not.

Moments to surrender to His lead, to relax beside still waters (maybe only figuratively) -because it’s there He  refreshes our soul.

Recently I found myself in that familiar tired, worn out place.  So I forced myself to put the laundry down, leave my phone in the kitchen, go to my room, and close my door. (The struggle is REAL, friends).

In the quiet, all alone, my eyes filled with tears and I wrote :

My soul is so hungry, Lord.”

God reminded me, ” I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry ” John 6:35

My spirit is dry and I’m so thirsty

And I remembered the verse..”but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”John 4:14 ”

I am so tired and weary

Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:26

I realized there was a commonality in these verses: when we admit our need, He beckons us to “come to Him” then promises to fill our emptiness.

And I’m  finding that only God satisfies the deepest longings of our soul.  Scrolling Facebook, nor scarfing a bag of chips, nor Netflix binges, nor even small talk with a friend will refill our cups the way that moments with Jesus can.

Think about it..When things get all outta whack on our computer screen, or an influx of input causes the machine to glitch and freeze, what do we do? We look for the refresh button and with a click of a finger all things align and fall back into place.

These days I’m reminded to search for those “refresh button” moments.

When life makes me frantic or I notice I’m operating on empty-  it’s time to return to my Maker, the one whose burden is easy and light.

Let him refresh your soul today with the words from this song based on Isaiah 55.

” All who are weary,

all who are weak

come to the fountain

dip your heart in the Stream of life.

The pain and the sorrow

will wash away

In the waves of his Mercy

Where deep calls out to Deep

come Lord Jesus, come. ”



Welcome to my mess

“Trails and trails of ants.”

Not exactly what I wanted to hear as I hurriedly walked into the house bearing arms full of groceries. Expecting to see the clean counters I had scrubbed last night, my eyes instead zeroed in on the hundreds of cans and jars,  boxes and bags of food that covered every counter top while my husband quickly pulled out more.

An army of ants had invaded our kitchen.

I hate ants.

They make my blood boil.

And that specific morning, after all the rain had subsided, the ant brigade thought it’d be a perfect time to take refuge in our food cabinets where the feasting possibilities were endless! (How long HAD it been since I had cleaned out the stickyness and crumbs in those shelves?)

As I  joined my husband in the romance of wiping off objects and throwing bag upon bag away- I had this daunting realization.

We’d be hosting a major playdate any minute.

And one of the little girls we invited over was fresh off the plane from Autstralia and had never been over to our house before. This was not my idea of a welcome party.

Like clockwork,  the doorbell rang. I looked around my kitchen. It looked like an absolute disaster zone. My stomach churned,

I had the passing thought “Maybe they’ll just drop the kids off at the door and I can finish cleaning this up.”

Her parents and I chatted cordially at the door. I stood where I could strategically block the view of my disastrous kitchen. .. But then my fear became a reality- these people weren’t leaving any time soon.

And I sensed God whisper “Invite them in- to join you on the couch;” Like an obedient child,  I promptly IGNORED it.

This happened three times until I knew I needed to oblige. They weren’t picking up on my non-verbals that said “time to go home.”  And so I called them over to the couch with the spectacular kitchen view.

I tried to offer an explanation and make a joke about the 2017 Ant  Storm- the- Kitchen Operation, but continued to feel embarrassed. As we chatted,  my mind began to spiral...what were they thinking? What judgments would be made about us? What did this MESS say about me, as a homemaker, mom….human being??? (as if a dirty kitchen tells all!)

Our mess. Human nature is to HIDE it.

Somehow we’ve come to believe the myth that smiley posed Facebook pictures are a snapshot of REALITY, and that someone who doesn’t appear to have it all together won’t have any friends.

Somewhere along the line we’ve also believed that we’ve gotta clean ourselves up before pursuing friendships, going to church, exploring “religion” or making steps toward God.

We make comparisons and excuses. “I’m not pure enough like THAT person. When I have more time, after I’ve gone to counseling, once I’m married and have kids,  THEN I’ll look into this God thing.”

We seem to think we’re the only people on the planet that are messed up, and that a holy God couldn’t accept one as broken as us.

But, here’s my FAVORITE truth from the Easter story this year…..

Not AFTER we were all cleaned up, or worthy, but WHILE we were funk messy.

Jesus chose the gnarly- the tax collector who knew he was unpopular, the smelly fisherman who said it like it was, the outlandish Peter who couldn’t quite control his emotions or tongue, even Judas, the friend who would undoubtedly betray him. Jesus comes for the broken. Those who open their pantries and acknowledge their mess.

He’s all about GRACE. “If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive your sins and cleanse you.” I John 1:9 .

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other you will be healed.” James 3:1

Are we willing to be vulnerable? 

God wants us to be real with Him. and with each other. Because most of the time, when we are, there’s miraculously HEALING there.

You know that fateful ANT invasion day ?

Here’s the thing: everything was actually o.k. when I welcomed people into my mess!

Strangely, these new friends seemed to relax and sit back in the refreshing humanness and  imperfection of it all. And somehow I hope that with a little glimpse of  my REAL they’ll feel more welcome to not have to tidy up as much when we stop by next time.

Vulnerability. It’s a big word I learned from those dang ants.

Maybe we need to leave things “as is” in our home (or hearts) and welcome people in anyway…

Or maybe, today, it’s time to open up the cabinets and empty the drawers of our hearts before God. Let Him see our mess…(He’ll love  us the SAME!) And we’ll experience freedom and BUCKETS AND BUCKETS of GRACE not trying to hide anymore.

So say it with me: “welcome to my mess!”





TODAY is a day of CELEBRATION for us at Revealing the Story!

We’ve reached 100 posts – stories of God being revealed in the real and ordinary days of our lives.

A big shout-out to all of our guest authors who have courageously shared their stories. We have all been blessed.

And to celebrate 100 posts, we are doing a GIVEAWAY!


We’re giving away a fantastic  best-selling new book, by one of our GUEST AUTHORS, “Choosing Real: An Invitation to Celebrate when Life doesn’t go as planned” by Bekah Jane Pogue.  We promise, you’ll LOVE this book.  (to get a taste- check out Bekah’s post

To be entered:

  1. Add a comment to this post
  2. Subscribe to the blog (if you already have- let us know)

One entry for each of these! Drawing will be in one week 4/5.



Riggedy jig and away we go- A tribute to grandma

Today we said goodbye to my grandma.  A memorial day of beautiful, bittter-sweet moments.  And somehow I feel the need to pen a few thoughts before the sun sets on this sacred day.

I’m  fighting to hear her voice again, her laughter ring in my ears. Suddenly this memory surfaces  and I can hear her sing with all gusto ..

.”…Rrr—iggedy jig and away we go, away we go, away we go, riggedy jig and away we go hi -ho, hi -ho,hi -ho.”

I’m 5 again, her soft hand holding mine and my little brother’s on her right.  We’re skipping up the hill by her house off on another grand adventure. Her little poodle, Tuffy tags along and discovers a butterfly on the sidewalk’s edge. Grandma stops us abruptly…  ” Look!!” She exclaims with a twinkle in her eye- “Isn’t that just won-der-ful!” she claps her hands with delight. “Our God is SO good to show us that!!” And then the song resumes and we skip off again into a world full of possibilities.

You see, this.  THIS is how she saw life.  Each day, a gift from Her creator and one step closer to Heaven.  Her eyes were trained to see the beauty all around and she’d often invite others to share in her joy.

I remember the house she and grandpa lived in and how excited we’d be to knock on that thick brown glass door and ring her cathedral chime doorbell.

I remember the front room, and how perfectly clean it was, doilies  covering every table top surface. To a little girl it appeared to be a mansion!!! I remember the honkey- tonk  piano and organ and how I learned my first piano pieces there by her side.

I remember the glass jars of peach rings, Werther’s originals, and Hershey chocolate nugget gold bars. (She’d always encourage us to sneak a few even in our grown up years).  I remember their den where she sat me on her lap and taught me to sew and the stories she’d tell tell while we did. She could captivate any audience with her stories, but children especially. I remember the smell of her lavender soap when we took baths there on overnight stays.

I remember childhood mornings or later in college when I often crashed there for the night. One thing never changed…the morning routine: the smell of coffee brewing, a hot bowl of oatmeal decorated with brown sugar and raisins, and sweet rolls on dainty glass plates at the table in the enclosed patio room. Grandma and Grandpa would begin every day (rain or shine, camping or home, healthy or sick) by cracking open the weathered blue Bible and reading a portion of scripture, then praying for each family member by name.

And then grandma would get up and fill the three bird feeders outside the window with a koolaid- red liquid. We’d  watch with anticipation  to notice which birds might come to visit  THAT day.   Hummingbirds were her absolute  favorite.

And she’d marvel at how God made such tiny creatures who could fly so fast. “Only He could design something like that. …and just imagine, if He could provide for the sparrows how much more will He take care of us??” She’d say.

She loved the Lord and His Word. One year, while taking care of my grandpa with Alzheimer’s, things were getting especially rough. Grandma had cared for him tirelessly.  She explained how Psalm 91 was her anchor. And she told us any grandchild who memorized  the chapter would get $10. We followed bait, line and sinker -dollar signs in our eyes.. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High God, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty....” What Grandma knew was that  $10 was a tiny investment compared to the deposit it made in our personal journeys with God.  For each of us, we’ve  clung  to those memorized truths in our toughest days.

We loved doing life with her. Each of the grandkids (and even our spouses) have a chapter we can point back to of weekly meals/Bible studies/scrabble games with Grandma. And we treasure those memories. She was just the type of lady people wanted to be around. Her joy and laughter, contagious.  

In recent  years my little family would accompany my dad and visit her at the retirement home where she lived. Though dementia was sneaking its way in, she had these great moments  of wit and humor. We’d sing and laugh together. She’d marvel at the kids’ voices saying “beau-ti-ful !!” and maybe encourage them to take a ride on her motorized scooter or “for Pete’s sake”  at least have “nut and chew” See’s candy.  We’d all leave encouraged and happy. That’s the affect she had on people.

Then one Tuesday morning  in February, just after her 92nd birthday, she woke with a stomach ache and was surprisingly gone within the hour.

As the doors to the hospital were being thrown open..the gates of heaven were doing the same. Heaven gained a saint.

Days later, I  helped my dad clean out her room, and a lady named Martha  stopped  by. With tears in her eyes she said, “I’m the housekeeper. Every Monday I’m here cleaning but I save your grandma’s room for last. She’s always here watching TBN and after my shift I sit for a spell and we sing hymns together and then we pray. There’s a lot of darkness in this world but she, she was a light of Jesus.

I sat on grandma’s bed with Martha  that day and cried big, fat, ugly tears because it wasn’t just US who knew the wonder of our was everyone who came in contact with her. And even in her last days, when her mind was foggy and dementia set in….her foundation stood firm. She delighted in God and loved His people.

So tonight as the casket has been lowered, the ceremonies concluded, and the sun sets on the hills, I imagine Grandma looking down from heaven with that twinkle in her eye saying (like she did at the end of every phone call) “goodbye dearie.”

And I imagine her skipping off into heaven singing: “riggedy jig and away we go…hi -ho, hi -ho, hi- ho..”

Goodbye Grandma. We will miss you.


Do the Hustle

I think I was born with an irregular heartbeat. Doctors didn’t diagnose me with that, but I seem to have this rapidly moving clock ticking inside me that seems to tick quicker and louder for me than for others.

Here’s the thing. I like being PRO-DUC-TIVE.

What I can accomplish in one hour of un-interrupted time is astounding…and I take pride in listing off all the ways I was “productive” when my husband asks about my day across the dinner table.

But the problem I keep running in to is this: I struggle with ever slowing down the hustle.

There’s always more.

The kids were off school for 3 weeks and my professor husband and I were off too. ( I know… a luxury). And truthfully, I probably actually “rested” like 4 out of 21  days. I ALMOST finished ONE short book, stayed in my pajama/workout clothes until lunch a couple days, and put off laundry for at least three. And then for some reason like a little white plastic kitchen timer, this last week my clock DINGED and I was off again to the races.

“Do the hustle….da,da,da, da,”- I can hear the song, can’t you?

But for me, that hustle melody sounds a lot less peppy and chicken-danceish, and much more melancholy and minor.

It sounds like overcommitting myself, and underestimating how much TIME something is gonna take, and being 15 minutes late (AGAIN).

It sounds like a rush of wind, and slamming cabinets, and objects dropping on the floor.

It sounds like four mostly-done projects and forgetting an important ingredient in that recipe because I’m multi-tasking.

It sounds like me running around like a chicken with my head cut off…. Always a counter to wipe, a piece of clothing to fold, an “urgent” text or email to send, and a “I only-half-listened to you because my mind is a hundred-other- places” response.

It sounds like me speed walking ahead of instead of along-side people.

I see it and I don’t like it, but with all the responsibilities of momhood, and jobhood, and wifehood, and friendhood, and ministryhood I don’t totally know how to stop the hustle inside of me.

Faster, faster, more, more.

Disappointment at the end of the day about what I didn’t accomplish instead of treasuring sacred moments that actually did happen.

I sat down tonight (for the first time in umm….10 hours) and opened a real- life book to try to downshift my heart. I turned  to this two-page chapter that completely floored me. “Learning to play” and that author Shauna Niequist saw right into my heart…

“It’s that for all sorts of reasons

I default to HUSTLE mode all too often

And so one of the tiny little things I’m learning to do is to play-

essentially to purposely WASTE time.

Strategically avoid strategy, for five minutes at a time.

Intentionally not be intentional about every second.

Have no purpose-on purpose.”

This may sound ridiculous to you who actually know how to sit on the couch for longer than 30 minutes without feeling guilty. Those who are running through the house with your kids playing hide-n-seek. Those who have trouble getting out of their pajamas on vacations or waiting one more day to shower.

I’m married to one of you.

And though you bother me (especially when you see my frantic pace and comment, “busy…busy…busy”). I hear you, and it’s true.

 Now, don’t get me wrong there is something to be said for a basket of clean, folded clothes, and a house put in order, and tasks completed responsibly. But there’s also something to be said for being fully present and learning to rest.

There’s that overused Bible story of Mary and Martha;  I feel like I gotta stand up for Martha who is the only one DOING anything around that house – preparing for these people. Luke says. “She was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made…” Yep. Distracted by stuff to be done.  Umm…can you relate?

Martha speaks up… “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?” Oh..I can camp out on that martyr plea too. “Join me in my hustle, would ya? There are things to be done here! ” But Jesus answers her (and us) gently…”You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is BETTER and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke. 10:39-41).

Sister Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet to listen, and look eyeball- to- eyeball, while Martha clanked and buzzed around the kitchen. Mary: fully present. Soul rest. Simplicity. Savoring, slowing, playing. “Making the most of every opportunity” realizing our days are fleeting. I know I’ve gotta care for our home, and be responsible, but I also want to learn the art of SLOWING down the HUSTLE.

Morbid thought:  no one is gonna talk about my productivity at my funeral. They will talk about my character and how I loved.

It is very much a perspective thing. So today, fellow hustlers… let’s breathe.  Picture Mary. Sit for a bit and show up for our lives with our people, so we don’t miss the BETTER while we’re in the hustle.



The countdown is on.

10 days till Christmas morning.


December’s pace is SO difficult to SLOW DOWN because – you know- all the festivities and fa-la-la’s.

No one ever told me what December meant for a mama- as if our to-do lists are not long enough. (I already struggle with OVERCOMMITTMENT in the normal year- for the LOVE!)

This month we add, gold medal- Olympicized expectations of ourselves that only Superwoman could really achieve.

  • Have your house decorated to the nines and immaculately CLEAN so that at any moment you can welcome in a stranger, be featured in a home tour,or at least highlighted on an Instagram newsreel.
  • Be at every child’s performance, class party, and sports event and provide home -baked goods and cute little pinteresty hand-crafted goody bags for each participant and teacher/coach.
  • Bake Alton Brown award winning organic, gluten, dairy and sugar-free cookies with your kids, (but only eat veggies and kale yourself so you don’t have too many pounds to record on your new year’s resolution…)
  • DIY all your Christmas gifts for family & friends and wow others with your hand knit king-sized blankets for your tribe Christmas morning
  • Follow through with traditions from past years so the kids have amazing memories and have less baggage to talk to their counselors about in future years.
  • Say “YES” to every invitation for parties, gift exchanges, Santa sightings, and plays so that your family is FULLY cultured in all things ARTSY- like a family full of Renaissance people.
  • Fit in a service opportunity to give back so you don’t feel too guilty about all the THINGS that have gone on your credit card this month in the name of AMAZON.
  • Create a packing list and prep for traveling abroad, or gleefully welcome out of town relatives into your peaceful little casita.
  • Finally, Post pictures of cuddle time on the couch with blankets so that others think you’re taking it easy with your people and soakin’ in the peace of the season.

These are crazy high expectations we put on ourselves.

And I’m bummed at myself for year after year, falling prey to the lion of lies.

And so, like a 49ers referee I’m blowing my whistle and throwing a big “T” (on myself & you) for a TIME OUT.

And In my heart I  hear YOU say, “Breathe. ”

“What’s important? What do you really value? What can you say “no” to?

Johnny Diaz sings it on K-LOVE radio, but every time it comes on I turn it up because it’s Jesus’ words to ME!

BREATHE….just breathe.

Come and rest at my feet.

And be…just be…

Chaos calls ….but all you really need.

Is to just breathe.

All you really need is….

to take it in.

Fill your lungs

 It’s the PEACE of God that overcomes.

Just Breathe.

Let your weary spirit rest

Lay down what’s good and find your best

Just breathe.


Today I want to invite us to BREATHE. close our eyes, be silent, remember our Prince of PEACE who came in a quiet way. That simple nativity scene in the midst of the lights and the loud jingles and the sugar highs and the lists of WANT’s.

We have life.

We have each other.

We have  a king who offers us peace when we surrender to Him.

For just a moment today….

Let’s breathe.


Party in the puddle

It has been an INSANE few weeks.

You know those “when it pours” sort of times?  Feels like that.  Dealing with frustrating circumstances of sickness, husband traveling abroad, a broken down vehicle left in L.A., and now my entire tribe of people sick AT THE SAME time with croup or pneumonia. (Yes, I said Pneumonia…For real?! ). Last night my husband and I looked at each other at the end of a long day and said…”Wow. this is pure craziness.”

Anyhow….it was one of those “mama meltdowns” that occurs when frustrations have been building inside of you for awhile. You been there? You try to just stuff ALL THE FEELINGS in efforts to survive and then when everyone least expects start to boil..and like a fourth grade science fair volcano you begin to explode. 

Not proud if it, but that was me. And so..before I hurt too many people, I did what any mom in “I’m- gonna- go- crazy- mode” does. I put on my shoes, jumped in my  borrowed car and drove to Target. (P.s. What IS it about that place for moms?  Whenever you see a lady pushing a cart all by herself, with bloodshot eyes, slowly perusing the aisles in a general fog-like state.. just wink at her and smile cause you  know you’ve been there too).

I regress.

From the street I saw the happy red “you’ve hit the bullseye”  Target sign and turned in.  And like a glowing treasure I saw an open parking space two slots in from the store’s doorway.


But just as I put on my blinker to turn in to my spot my eyes fell upon this…


Right there in MY parking spot…a little bird. Maybe the size of a  sparrow having a great old time in a puddle.  It hadn’t rained in days- and I wondered if that puddle had come from the A/C runoff from a larger car. There was even a little oil glistening off the water. But that little sparrow He just fluttered in that bath, flipped and turned, splashing water all around havin’ a little par-tay. I opened my window to see if I could hear disco music in the background.

And I sat there in the parking lot,  unable to park my car there  because I just couldn’t bring myself to  break up his party.  My thoughts were interrupted by beeping from the car behind me, so I continued on down the row to find a parking space further away.

Of course by the time I walked by that puddle on my way into the store he was gone.

Walking through the aisles of Target I couldn’t get that picture out of my mind.  And I wondered why God had me stop and really take in that silly moment.  And then I realized the significance.

We can either choose to focus on all that’s going wrong and what we DON’T HAVE (the oily puddles of life), OR we can choose to see what we DO have and be grateful.

Gratitude is focusing on what you DO have more than on what you don’t

That little bird had high need for a bath that day and oh- he could’ve surveyed the dry land and  complained about all the options that were just not his ideal. Instead he saw what was before him,  jumped in with  his WHOLE little self and partied in the puddle.

And…though I feel like I’ve EARNED THE RIGHT TO WHINE this month, ( haven’t we all) God is teaching me that in ALL circumstances there is at least a small reason to give thanks and make the most of each day we’ve been given. We are alive, we have our people, gather them close and soak it in.

AS I type this one of my sick sons just spilled a cup of apple juice all over the carpet and the pile of clean clothes on the floor. My first inclination was to scream at him in anger. And then I remembered that two seconds ago I was writing an inspiring note about partying in the puddle and so I smiled at the irony.

It’s not easy.  And there are certainly days to cry and grieve and mourn. There’s purpose there, too.

But today (by the minute) I’m challenged to ask God for a perspective shift. For humor, for lightness, and for the supernatural ability to not take everything so serious and just party a little in my puddle.

Join me.


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