How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story


In November we practice GRATITUDE.

December – JOY.

January – NEW rythyms.

By February we’re distracted and BUSY.

Then, *poof* another year flashes by.

Imagine if we turned these Nov/Dec/Jan practices into a cycle that begins it’s second rotation every February.

Some might argue that February is for love.  But I say, what is love without gratitude?

I wish I was naturally thankful; a person from whom gratitude springs forth like a spunky cheerleader.  I sure admire friends who seem to offer it naturally AND authentically.  Man, they can change the world!!

For me, gratitude requires intentionality and tons of practice.  I have to literally force myself to STOP and formulate a ‘thank you’.  Otherwise the day flies by with barely more than a passing thought about the good, good gifts in my midst.

Perhaps that’s why I’m voting we expand the month of thanks-giving to other parts of the year, because, selfishly, I need an entire year to truly get the hang of it.

Plus, authentic gratitude leads to joy. Which then opens our eyes to clearer judgement for new rhythms.  And, new rhythms allow us the bandwidth to be present.

Dear ones, we have the potential to replace our *poof* years with the gift of presence!!!

Imagine being the generations who lead the younger ones to engage each other with eyes wide open.

I’ve recently been disappointed by some ‘no’s’ but, as Janel Thomas modeled in last week’s post (No and Yes) I’m forcing my heart to remember, and say thank you for, a few of God’s ‘yes’s’.

Father, thank you for understanding my disappointments and gently reminding me of a few victories.  Thank you for teaching me about trust.


Comment with your own ‘thank you’ statement.  Let’s practice gratitude together.



  1. Monica

    I’m thankful for the relationships in my life. Some are easy and familiar like a well worn pair of tennis shoes. Others are difficult and painful like a pair of pointy-toed flats that are rubbing a blister on my heel. But all of them are gifts that are shaping me emotionally and spiritually.

    • Laura Frederick

      Beautifully put. Thank you for sharing.

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