How Our Stories Fit Into THE Story

Party in the puddle

It has been an INSANE few weeks.

You know those “when it pours” sort of times?  Feels like that.  Dealing with frustrating circumstances of sickness, husband traveling abroad, a broken down vehicle left in L.A., and now my entire tribe of people sick AT THE SAME time with croup or pneumonia. (Yes, I said Pneumonia…For real?! ). Last night my husband and I looked at each other at the end of a long day and said…”Wow. this is pure craziness.”

Anyhow….it was one of those “mama meltdowns” that occurs when frustrations have been building inside of you for awhile. You been there? You try to just stuff ALL THE FEELINGS in efforts to survive and then when everyone least expects start to boil..and like a fourth grade science fair volcano you begin to explode. 

Not proud if it, but that was me. And so..before I hurt too many people, I did what any mom in “I’m- gonna- go- crazy- mode” does. I put on my shoes, jumped in my  borrowed car and drove to Target. (P.s. What IS it about that place for moms?  Whenever you see a lady pushing a cart all by herself, with bloodshot eyes, slowly perusing the aisles in a general fog-like state.. just wink at her and smile cause you  know you’ve been there too).

I regress.

From the street I saw the happy red “you’ve hit the bullseye”  Target sign and turned in.  And like a glowing treasure I saw an open parking space two slots in from the store’s doorway.


But just as I put on my blinker to turn in to my spot my eyes fell upon this…


Right there in MY parking spot…a little bird. Maybe the size of a  sparrow having a great old time in a puddle.  It hadn’t rained in days- and I wondered if that puddle had come from the A/C runoff from a larger car. There was even a little oil glistening off the water. But that little sparrow He just fluttered in that bath, flipped and turned, splashing water all around havin’ a little par-tay. I opened my window to see if I could hear disco music in the background.

And I sat there in the parking lot,  unable to park my car there  because I just couldn’t bring myself to  break up his party.  My thoughts were interrupted by beeping from the car behind me, so I continued on down the row to find a parking space further away.

Of course by the time I walked by that puddle on my way into the store he was gone.

Walking through the aisles of Target I couldn’t get that picture out of my mind.  And I wondered why God had me stop and really take in that silly moment.  And then I realized the significance.

We can either choose to focus on all that’s going wrong and what we DON’T HAVE (the oily puddles of life), OR we can choose to see what we DO have and be grateful.

Gratitude is focusing on what you DO have more than on what you don’t

That little bird had high need for a bath that day and oh- he could’ve surveyed the dry land and  complained about all the options that were just not his ideal. Instead he saw what was before him,  jumped in with  his WHOLE little self and partied in the puddle.

And…though I feel like I’ve EARNED THE RIGHT TO WHINE this month, ( haven’t we all) God is teaching me that in ALL circumstances there is at least a small reason to give thanks and make the most of each day we’ve been given. We are alive, we have our people, gather them close and soak it in.

AS I type this one of my sick sons just spilled a cup of apple juice all over the carpet and the pile of clean clothes on the floor. My first inclination was to scream at him in anger. And then I remembered that two seconds ago I was writing an inspiring note about partying in the puddle and so I smiled at the irony.

It’s not easy.  And there are certainly days to cry and grieve and mourn. There’s purpose there, too.

But today (by the minute) I’m challenged to ask God for a perspective shift. For humor, for lightness, and for the supernatural ability to not take everything so serious and just party a little in my puddle.

Join me.



  1. Kris

    Thank you for this post Alyssa. So beautiful and such a needed reminder. Love you!

    • Alyssa Gluck

      Thanks!! I need this reminder too! 🙂

  2. Coree

    For the birds! They call them bird brained for a reason. Lol! Atta way Momma! Lookin’ at the bright side. Sweet little gift for you in the parking lot, slowing you down, opening your joy, removing you from your current sick state for a teeny moment.

    • Alyssa Gluck

      Yep. God reveals Himself to us through pictures doesn’t He?

  3. Heather Davis

    Great insight! I am in very much the same place… well, not with half my family sick with croup and the other half with pneumonia, but in learning to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” and be grateful for what I have. 😉

    I was encouraged to stop by your blog by Leonard Gluck, who is a member of my community group here in Tennessee. I love his perspective and love hearing from him as we share from our Bible study each week! Anyway, I am a few weeks late in actually stopping here, but… here I am! So glad I did.

    May our God heal your family soon and strengthen your spiritual armor in the meantime!

    • Alyssa Gluck

      Hi Heather! So nice to meet you. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t respond right away. Guess my notifications got turned off- sorry! So glad you’re in a community group with Leonard. He’s amazing and such a man of God – and yes- he LOVES the word.

      I’m encouraged to hear God is teaching you a similar lesson. …taking thoughts captive.

      So glad you stopped by. Maybe we can meet in real life next time we’re in Tennessee (this summer!).

  4. Bekah Pogue

    I’m laughing (sorry) and then I’m crying. Because this. This sweet sparrow is such an unexpected reason to pause and play and I love that you did, even among the crazy circumstances. Thank you for your refreshing perspective, Alyssa, and fun spirit. You say it like it is and saturate life with hope. Thank you!

    • Alyssa Gluck

      Thanks Bekah. You are a kindred spirit! 🙂
      And P.S….I should learn to turn my notifications on so I can respond in a little more of a timely manner. Ha. Grace for us all in the real.

      So excited for your book. Been thinking of you all week!

  5. Lauren Hunter

    Love your honesty and that you are in the muck, trying to stay clean, with all the rest of us. Life is pain! Wait, I think that’s from The Princess Bride. Life is pain-ful, but thankfully, the pain eventually subsides. Uggh. Thanks for reminding me that frustration and inconvenience are but passing phases (for the most part). You are gifted at spelling-it-out, my friend.

    • Alyssa Gluck

      Thanks Lauren. Way to bring it home with Princess Bride! 🙂 Yepper, some days we can laugh and others we choose to cry, but for today- let’s party!

  6. Roberta Jones

    I appreciate your perspective. Thanks for sharing. I shall party in the puddle!!

    • Alyssa Gluck

      Thanks Roberta. Party on.

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